1. QA on Annotation Level

To reach the tasks and assignments repositories go to tasks and assignments.

To reach the tasks and assignments entities go to tasks and assignments.

1.1. ItemAnnotations Review

The Annotation Studio also enables direct feedback for specific annotations. To enable a realtime review, a Reviewer can open an issue on an Annotation.
The Annotator (person who annotated the issued Annotation) then receives the issue, fixes it and sends it back for a second review.
The Reviewer may approve the fix or return it as an issue.

We also support a real-time dialog on items as an annotation, go to Note Annotation to learn more.

1.1.1. Prep

import dtlpy as dl
if dl.token_expired():
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='project_name')
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='dataset_name')

1.2. Single status update

# Mark a single annotation with an open issue
item = dataset.items.get(item_id='my-item-id')
annotation = item.annotations.get(annotation_id='your-annotation-id-number')
# In the same way you can update to another status
annotation.update_status(dl.AnnotationStatus.CLEAR)  # Have the annotation without status

1.3. Bulk status update

# Get Task
task = project.tasks.get(task_id='my_task_id')
# Add filters for items in the task who have annotations with issues
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add_join(field='metadata.system.status', values='issue')
items = task.get_items(filters=filters)
# Go over all of the items
for page in items:
    for item in page:
        # Add filter for annotations with issues
        filters = dl.Filters()
        filters.resource = dl.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION
        filters.add(field='metadata.system.status', values='issue')
        annotations = item.annotations.list(filters=filters)
        # For every annotation that has issue in the item update the status to "for review"
        for annotation in annotations:           annotation.update_status(dl.AnnotationStatus.REVIEW)