1. Note Annotation

To reach the tasks and assignments repositories go to tasks and assignments.

To reach the tasks and assignments entities go to tasks and assignments.

The Annotation Studio also enables real time dialog in the studio. The note annotation allows annotators and reviewers the option to add an issue directly to the item as an annotation.

1.1. Prep

import dtlpy as dl
if dl.token_expired():

1.1.1. Init Note

With message inside and top, bottom, left, right positioning
Using the annotations definitions classes you can create, edit, view and
upload platform annotations.

annotation_definition = dl.Note(top=10, left=10, bottom=100, right=100, label='my-label')
annotation_definition.assignee = "user@dataloop.ai"
annotation_definition.add_message("this is a message 1")
annotation_definition.add_message("this is a message 2")

1.1.2. Create Note Annotation

1.2. 1. Get project and dataset

project = dl.projects.get(project_name='project_name')
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='dataset_name')

1.3. 2. Get item from the platform

item = dataset.items.get(filepath='/your-image-file-path.jpg')

1.4. 3. Create a builder instance

builder = item.annotations.builder()

1.5. 4. Add a note

annotation_definition = dl.Note(top=10, left=10, bottom=100, right=100, label='my-label')
annotation_definition.assignee = "user@dataloop.ai"
annotation_definition.add_message("this is a message 1")
annotation_definition.add_message("this is a message 2")

1.6. 5. Upload annotations to the item
