19. Pagination

19.1. Pages

We use pages instead of a list when we have an object that contains a lot of information.

The page object divides a large list into pages (with a default of 1000 items) in order to save time when going over the items.

It is the same as we display it in the annotation platform, see example here.

You can redefine the number of items on a page with the page_size attribute.When we go over the items we use nested loops to first go to the pages and then go over the items for each page.

19.2. Iterator of Items

You can create a generator of items with different filters.

import dtlpy as dl
# Get the project    
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='project_name')
# Get the dataset
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='dataset_name')
# Get items in pages (1000 item per page)
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='filename', values='/your/file/path.mimetype')
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
# Count the items
print('Number of items in dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))
# Go over all item and print the properties
for i_page, page in enumerate(pages):
    print('{} items in page {}'.format(len(page), i_page))
    for item in page:

A Page entity iterator also allows reverse iteration for cases in which you want to change items during the iteration:

# Go over all item and print the properties
for i_page, page in enumerate(reversed(pages)):
    print('{} items in page {}'.format(len(page), i_page))

If you want to iterate through all items within your filter, you can also do so without going through them page by page:

for item in pages.all():

If you are planning to do some process on each item, it’s faster to use multi-threads (or multi-process) for parallel computation.The following uses ThreadPoolExecutor with 32 workers to process parallel batches of 32 items:

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def single_item(item):
    # do some work on item
    return True
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32) as executor:
    executor.map(single_item, pages.all())

Lets compare the runtime to see that now the process is faster:

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import time
tic = time.time()
for item in pages.all():
    # do stuff on item
print('One by one took {:.2f}[s]'.format(time.time() - tic))
def single_item(item):
    # do stuff on item
    return True
tic = time.time()
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32) as executor:
    executor.map(single_item, pages.all())
print('Using threads took {:.2f}[s]'.format(time.time() - tic))

Visualizing the progress with tqdm progress bar:

import tqdm
pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=pages.items_count)
def single_item(item):
    # do stuff on item
    return True
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=32) as executor:
    executor.map(single_item, pages.all())

19.3. Set page_size

The following example sets the page_size to 50:

# Create filters instance
filters = dl.Filters()
# Get filtered item list in a page object, where the starting page is 1
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters, page_offset=1, page_size=50)
# Count the items
print('Number of filtered items in dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))
# Print items from page 1
print('Length of first page: {}'.format(len(pages.items)))