16. Advance SDK FiltersĀ¶

To access the filters entity click here.

16.1. Filter OperatorsĀ¶

To understand more about filter operators please click here.

When adding a filter, several operators are available for use:

16.1.1. EqualĀ¶

eq -> equal(or dl.FiltersOperation.EQUAL)

For example, filter items from a specific folder directory.

import dtlpy as dl
# Get project and dataset
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='project_name')
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='dataset_name')
# Create filters instance
filters = dl.Filters()
# Filter only items from a specific folder directory
filters.add(field='dir', values='/DatasetFolderName', operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_EQUAL)
# optional - return results sorted by ascending file name 
# Get filtered items list in a page object
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
# Count the items
print('Number of items in dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))

16.1.2. Not EqualĀ¶

ne -> not equal(or dl.FiltersOperation.NOT_EQUAL)

In this example, you will get all items that do not have ONLY a ā€˜catā€™ label.NoteThis Operator is a better fit for filters of a single value because, for example, this filter will return items that have both ā€˜catā€™ and ā€˜dogā€™ labels.View an example of the solution here.

filters = dl.Filters()
# Filter ONLY a cat label
filters.add_join(field='label', values='cat', operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_NOT_EQUAL)
# optional - return results sorted by ascending file name 
# Get filtered items list in a page object
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
# Count the items
print('Number of items in the dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))

16.1.3. Greater ThanĀ¶

gt -> greater than(or dl.FiltersOperation.GREATER_THAN)

You will get items with a greater height (in pixels) than the given value in this example.

filters = dl.Filters()
# Filter images with a bigger height size
filters.add(field='metadata.system.height', values=height_number_in_pixels,
# optional - return results sorted by ascending file name 
# Get filtered items list in a page object
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
# Count the items
print('Number of items in dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))

16.1.4. Less ThanĀ¶

lt -> less than(or dl.FiltersOperation.LESS_THAN)

You will get items with a width (in pixels) less than the given value in this example.

filters = dl.Filters()
# Filter images with a bigger height size
filters.add(field='metadata.system.width', values=width_number_in_pixels, operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_LESS_THAN)
# optional - return results sorted by ascending file name 
# Get filtered items list in a page object
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
# Count the items
print('Number of items in dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))

16.1.5. In a ListĀ¶

in -> is in a list (when using this expression, values should be a list).(or dl.FiltersOperation.IN)In this example, you will get items with dog OR cat labels.

filters = dl.Filters()
# Filter items with dog OR cat labels
filters.add_join(field='label', values=['dog', 'cat'], operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_IN)
# optional - return results sorted by ascending file name 
# Get filtered items list in a page object
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
# Count the items
print('Number of items in dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))

16.1.6. ExistĀ¶

The filter param FILTERS_OPERATIONS_EXISTS checks if an attribute exists. The following example checks if there is an item with user metadata:

filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='metadata.user', values=True, operator=dl.FILTERS_OPERATIONS_EXISTS)

16.2. SDK defaultsĀ¶

Filters ignore SDK defaults like hidden items and directories or note annotations as issues.If you wish to change this behavior, you may do the following:

filters = dl.Filters(use_defaults=False)

16.2.1. Hidden Items and DirectoriesĀ¶

If you wish to only show hidden items & directories in your filters use this code:

filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add(field='type', values='dir')
# or

16.3. Delete a FilterĀ¶

filters = dl.Filters()
# For example, if you added the following filter:
filters.add(field='to-delete-field', values='value')
# Use this command to delete the filter
# or for items by their annotations

16.4. Full ExamplesĀ¶

16.4.1. How to filter items that were created between specific dates?Ā¶

In this example, you will get all of the items that were created in 2018.

import datetime, time
filters = dl.Filters()
# -- time filters -- must be in ISO format and in UTC (offset from local time). converting using datetime package as follows:
earlier_timestamp = datetime.datetime(year=2018, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
later_timestamp = datetime.datetime(year=2019, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
filters.add(field='createdAt', values=earlier_timestamp, operator=dl.FiltersOperations.GREATER_THAN)
filters.add(field='createdAt', values=later_timestamp, operator=dl.FiltersOperations.LESS_THAN)
# change method to OR
filters.method = dl.FiltersMethod.OR
# Get filtered items list in a page object
pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
# Count the items
print('Number of items in dataset: {}'.format(pages.items_count))

16.4.2. How to filter items that donā€™t have a specific label?Ā¶

In this example, you will get all items that do not have a ā€˜catā€™ label AT ALL.

This filter will NOT return items that have both 'cat' and 'dog' labels.
# Get all items
all_items = set([item.id for item in dataset.items.list().all()])
# Get all items WITH the label cat
filters = dl.Filters()
filters.add_join(field='label', values='cat')
cat_items = set([item.id for item in dataset.items.list(filters=filters).all()])
# Get the difference between the sets. This will give you a list of the items with no cat
no_cat_items = all_items.difference(cat_items)
print('Number of filtered items in dataset: {}'.format(len(no_cat_items)))
# Iterate through the ID's  - Go over all ID's and print the matching item
for item_id in no_cat_items: