Source code for dtlpy.repositories.annotations

from copy import deepcopy
import traceback
import logging
import json
import jwt
import os

from .. import entities, exceptions, miscellaneous, _api_reference
from import ApiClient

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')

[docs]class Annotations: """ Annotations Repository The Annotation class allows you to manage the annotations of data items. For information on annotations explore our documentation at: `Classification SDK <>`_, `Annotation Labels and Attributes <>`_, `Show Video with Annotations <>`_. """ def __init__(self, client_api: ApiClient, item=None, dataset=None, dataset_id=None): self._client_api = client_api self._item = item self._dataset = dataset self._upload_batch_size = 100 if dataset_id is None: if dataset is not None: dataset_id = elif item is not None: dataset_id = item.dataset_id self._dataset_id = dataset_id ############ # entities # ############ @property def dataset(self): if self._dataset is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='2001', message='Missing "dataset". need to set a Dataset entity or use dataset.annotations repository') assert isinstance(self._dataset, entities.Dataset) return self._dataset @dataset.setter def dataset(self, dataset: entities.Dataset): if not isinstance(dataset, entities.Dataset): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Dataset entity') self._dataset = dataset @property def item(self): if self._item is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='2001', message='Missing "item". need to set an Item entity or use item.annotations repository') assert isinstance(self._item, entities.Item) return self._item @item.setter def item(self, item: entities.Item): if not isinstance(item, entities.Item): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Item entity') self._item = item ########### # methods # ###########
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotations/{annotationId}', method='get') def get(self, annotation_id: str) -> entities.Annotation: """ Get a single annotation. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item that has been annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager* or *annotator*. :param str annotation_id: The id of the annotation :return: Annotation object or None :return: Annotation object or None :rtype: dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation **Example**: .. code-block:: python annotation = item.annotations.get(annotation_id='annotation_id') """ success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='get', path='/annotations/{}'.format(annotation_id)) if success: annotation = entities.Annotation.from_json(_json=response.json(), annotations=self, dataset=self._dataset, client_api=self._client_api, item=self._item) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return annotation
def _build_entities_from_response(self, response_items): pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='entity.create') jobs = [None for _ in range(len(response_items))] # return triggers list for i_json, _json in enumerate(response_items): jobs[i_json] = pool.submit(entities.Annotation._protected_from_json, **{'client_api': self._client_api, '_json': _json, 'item': self._item, 'dataset': self._dataset, 'annotations': self}) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] # log errors _ = [logger.warning(r[1]) for r in results if r[0] is False] # return good jobs return miscellaneous.List([r[1] for r in results if r[0] is True]) def _list(self, filters: entities.Filters): """ Get a dataset's item list. This is a browsing endpoint. For any given path, item count will be returned. The user is then expected to perform another request for every folder to actually get its item list. :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filter entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :return: json response :rtype: """ # prepare request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="POST", path="/datasets/{}/query".format(self._dataset_id), json_req=filters.prepare(), headers={'user_query': filters.user_query} ) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return response.json()
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/datasets/{id}/query', method='post') def list(self, filters: entities.Filters = None, page_offset: int = None, page_size: int = None): """ List Annotations of a specific item. You must get the item first and then list the annotations with the desired filters. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item that has been annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager* or *annotator*. :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :param int page_offset: starting page :param int page_size: size of page :return: Pages object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.paged_entities.PagedEntities **Example**: .. code-block:: python annotations = item.annotations.list(filters=dl.Filters( resource=dl.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION, field='type', values='box'), page_size=100, page_offset=0) """ if self._dataset_id is not None: if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters(resource=entities.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION, user_query=False) if not filters.resource == entities.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Filters resource must to be FiltersResource.ANNOTATION') if self._item is not None and not filters.has_field('itemId'): filters = deepcopy(filters) filters.page_size = 1000 filters.add(field='itemId',, method=entities.FiltersMethod.AND) # assert type filters if not isinstance(filters, entities.Filters): raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Unknown filters type') # page size if page_size is None: # take from default page_size = filters.page_size else: filters.page_size = page_size # page offset if page_offset is None: # take from default page_offset = else: = page_offset paged = entities.PagedEntities(items_repository=self, filters=filters, page_offset=page_offset, page_size=page_size, client_api=self._client_api) paged.get_page() if self._item is not None: if paged.total_pages_count > 1: annotations = list() for page in paged: annotations += page else: annotations = paged.items return entities.AnnotationCollection(annotations=annotations, item=self._item) else: return paged else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please use item.annotations.list() or dataset.annotations.list() ' 'to perform this action.')
[docs] def show(self, image=None, thickness: int = 1, with_text: bool = False, height: float = None, width: float = None, annotation_format: entities.ViewAnnotationOptions = entities.ViewAnnotationOptions.MASK, alpha: float = 1): """ Show annotations. To use this method, you must get the item first and then show the annotations with the desired filters. The method returns an array showing all the annotations. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item that has been annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager* or *annotator*. :param ndarray image: empty or image to draw on :param int thickness: optional - line thickness, default=1 :param bool with_text: add label to annotation :param float height: item height :param float width: item width :param str annotation_format: the format that want to show ,options: list(dl.ViewAnnotationOptions) :param float alpha: opacity value [0 1], default 1 :return: ndarray of the annotations :rtype: ndarray **Example**: .. code-block:: python image ='nd array', thickness=1, with_text=False, height=100, width=100, annotation_format=dl.ViewAnnotationOptions.MASK, alpha=1) """ # get item's annotations annotations = self.list() return, width=width, height=height, thickness=thickness, alpha=alpha, with_text=with_text, annotation_format=annotation_format)
[docs] def download(self, filepath: str, annotation_format: entities.ViewAnnotationOptions = entities.ViewAnnotationOptions.JSON, img_filepath: str = None, height: float = None, width: float = None, thickness: int = 1, with_text: bool = False, alpha: float = 1): """ Save annotation to file. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item that has been annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager* or *annotator*. :param str filepath: Target download directory :param str annotation_format: the format that want to download ,options: list(dl.ViewAnnotationOptions) :param str img_filepath: img file path - needed for img_mask :param float height: optional - image height :param float width: optional - image width :param int thickness: optional - line thickness, default=1 :param bool with_text: optional - draw annotation with text, default = False :param float alpha: opacity value [0 1], default 1 :return: file path to where save the annotations :rtype: str **Example**: .. code-block:: python file_path = filepath='file_path', annotation_format=dl.ViewAnnotationOptions.MASK, img_filepath='img_filepath', height=100, width=100, thickness=1, with_text=False, alpha=1) """ # get item's annotations annotations = self.list() if 'text' in self.item.metadata.get('system').get('mimetype', ''): annotation_format = entities.ViewAnnotationOptions.JSON elif 'audio' not in self.item.metadata.get('system').get('mimetype', ''): # height/weight if height is None: if self.item.height is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Height must be provided') height = self.item.height if width is None: if self.item.width is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Width must be provided') width = self.item.width return, img_filepath=img_filepath, width=width, height=height, thickness=thickness, with_text=with_text, annotation_format=annotation_format, alpha=alpha)
def _delete_single_annotation(self, w_annotation_id): try: creator = jwt.decode(self._client_api.token, algorithms=['HS256'], verify=False, options={'verify_signature': False})['email'] payload = {'username': creator} success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='delete', path='/annotations/{}'.format(w_annotation_id), json_req=payload) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return success except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to delete annotation') raise
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotations/{annotationId}', method='delete') def delete(self, annotation: entities.Annotation = None, annotation_id: str = None, filters: entities.Filters = None) -> bool: """ Remove an annotation from item. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item that has been annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager* or *annotator*. :param dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation annotation: Annotation object :param str annotation_id: The id of the annotation :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :return: True/False :rtype: bool **Example**: .. code-block:: python is_deleted = item.annotations.delete(annotation_id='annotation_id') """ if annotation is not None: if isinstance(annotation, entities.Annotation): annotation_id = elif isinstance(annotation, str) and annotation.lower() == 'all': if self._item is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='To use "all" option repository must have an item') filters = entities.Filters( resource=entities.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION, field='itemId',, method=entities.FiltersMethod.AND ) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Unknown annotation type') if annotation_id is not None: if not isinstance(annotation_id, list): return self._delete_single_annotation(w_annotation_id=annotation_id) filters = entities.Filters(resource=entities.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION, field='annotationId', values=annotation_id, operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN) filters.pop(field="type") if filters is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Must input filter, annotation id or annotation entity') if not filters.resource == entities.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Filters resource must to be FiltersResource.ANNOTATION') if self._item is not None and not filters.has_field('itemId'): filters = deepcopy(filters) filters.add(field='itemId',, method=entities.FiltersMethod.AND) if self._dataset is not None: items_repo = self._dataset.items elif self._item is not None: items_repo = self._item.dataset.items else: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='2001', message='Missing "dataset". need to set a Dataset entity or use dataset.annotations repository') return items_repo.delete(filters=filters)
@staticmethod def _update_snapshots(origin, modified): """ Update the snapshots if a change occurred and return a list of the new snapshots with the flag to update. """ update = False origin_snapshots = list() origin_metadata = origin['metadata'].get('system', None) if origin_metadata: origin_snapshots = origin_metadata.get('snapshots_', None) if origin_snapshots is not None: modified_snapshots = modified['metadata'].get('system', dict()).get('snapshots_', None) # if the number of the snapshots change if len(origin_snapshots) != len(modified_snapshots): origin_snapshots = modified_snapshots update = True i = 0 # if some snapshot change while i < len(origin_snapshots) and not update: if origin_snapshots[i] != modified_snapshots[i]: origin_snapshots = modified_snapshots update = True break i += 1 return update, origin_snapshots def _update_single_annotation(self, w_annotation, system_metadata): try: if isinstance(w_annotation, entities.Annotation): if is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( '400', 'Cannot update annotation because it was not fetched' ' from platform and therefore does not have an id' ) annotation_id = else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'unknown annotations type: {}'.format(type(w_annotation))) origin = w_annotation._platform_dict modified = w_annotation.to_json() # check snapshots update, updated_snapshots = self._update_snapshots(origin=origin, modified=modified) # pop the snapshots to make the diff work with out them origin.get('metadata', dict()).get('system', dict()).pop('snapshots_', None) modified.get('metadata', dict()).get('system', dict()).pop('snapshots_', None) # check diffs in the json json_req = miscellaneous.DictDiffer.diff(origin=origin, modified=modified) # add the new snapshots if exist if updated_snapshots and update: if 'metadata' not in json_req: json_req['metadata'] = dict() if 'system' not in json_req['metadata']: json_req['metadata']['system'] = dict() json_req['metadata']['system']['snapshots_'] = updated_snapshots # no changes happen if not json_req and not updated_snapshots: status = True result = w_annotation else: url_path = '/annotations/{}'.format(annotation_id) if system_metadata: url_path += '?system=true' suc, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='put', path=url_path, json_req=json_req) if suc: result = entities.Annotation.from_json(_json=response.json(), annotations=self, dataset=self._dataset, item=self._item) w_annotation._platform_dict = result._platform_dict else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) status = True except Exception: status = False result = traceback.format_exc() return status, result
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotations/{annotationId}', method='put') def update(self, annotations, system_metadata=False): """ Update an existing annotation. For example, you may change the annotation's label and then use the update method. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item that has been annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager* or *annotator*. :param dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation annotations: Annotation object :param bool system_metadata: bool - True, if you want to change metadata system :return: True if successful or error if unsuccessful :rtype: bool **Example**: .. code-block:: python annotations = item.annotations.update(annotation='annotation') """ pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='annotation.update') if not isinstance(annotations, list): annotations = [annotations] jobs = [None for _ in range(len(annotations))] for i_ann, ann in enumerate(annotations): jobs[i_ann] = pool.submit(self._update_single_annotation, **{'w_annotation': ann, 'system_metadata': system_metadata}) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] out_annotations = [r[1] for r in results if r[0] is True] out_errors = [r[1] for r in results if r[0] is False] if len(out_errors) == 0: logger.debug('Annotation/s updated successfully. {}/{}'.format(len(out_annotations), len(results))) else: logger.error(out_errors) logger.error('Annotation/s updated with {} errors'.format(len(out_errors))) return out_annotations
@staticmethod def _annotation_encoding(annotation): metadata = annotation.get('metadata', dict()) system = metadata.get('system', dict()) snapshots = system.get('snapshots_', list()) last_frame = { 'label': annotation.get('label', None), 'attributes': annotation.get('attributes', None), 'type': annotation.get('type', None), 'data': annotation.get('coordinates', None), 'fixed': snapshots[0].get('fixed', None) if (isinstance(snapshots, list) and len(snapshots) > 0) else None, 'objectVisible': snapshots[0].get('objectVisible', None) if ( isinstance(snapshots, list) and len(snapshots) > 0) else None, } offset = 0 for idx, frame in enumerate(deepcopy(snapshots)): frame.pop("frame", None) if frame == last_frame and not frame['fixed']: del snapshots[idx - offset] offset += 1 else: last_frame = frame return annotation def _create_batches_for_upload(self, annotations): """ receives a list of annotations and split them into batches to optimize the upload :param annotations: list of all annotations :return: batch_annotations: list of list of annotation. each batch with size self._upload_batch_size """ annotation_batches = list() single_batch = list() for annotation in annotations: if isinstance(annotation, str): annotation = json.loads(annotation) elif isinstance(annotation, entities.Annotation): annotation = annotation.to_json() elif isinstance(annotation, dict): pass else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='unknown annotations type: {}'.format(type(annotation))) annotation = self._annotation_encoding(annotation) single_batch.append(annotation) if len(single_batch) >= self._upload_batch_size: annotation_batches.append(single_batch) single_batch = list() if len(single_batch) > 0: annotation_batches.append(single_batch) return annotation_batches def _upload_single_batch(self, annotation_batch): try: suc, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path='/items/{}/annotations'.format(, json_req=annotation_batch) if suc: return_annotations = response.json() if not isinstance(return_annotations, list): return_annotations = [return_annotations] else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) status = True result = return_annotations except Exception: status = False result = traceback.format_exc() return status, result def _upload_annotations_batches(self, annotation_batches): if len(annotation_batches) == 1: # no need for threads status, result = self._upload_single_batch(annotation_batch=annotation_batches[0]) if status is False: logger.error(result) logger.error('Annotation/s uploaded with errors') # TODO need to raise errors? uploaded_annotations = result else: # threading pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='annotation.upload') jobs = [None for _ in range(len(annotation_batches))] for i_ann, annotations_batch in enumerate(annotation_batches): jobs[i_ann] = pool.submit(self._upload_single_batch, annotation_batch=annotations_batch) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] uploaded_annotations = [ann for ann_list in results for ann in ann_list[1] if ann_list[0] is True] out_errors = [r[1] for r in results if r[0] is False] if len(out_errors) != 0: logger.error(out_errors) logger.error('Annotation/s uploaded with errors') # TODO need to raise errors?'Annotation/s uploaded successfully. num: {}'.format(len(uploaded_annotations))) return uploaded_annotations async def _async_upload_annotations(self, annotations): """ Async function to run from the uploader. will use asyncio to not break the async :param annotations: :return: """ async with self._client_api.event_loop.semaphore('annotations.upload'): annotation_batch = self._create_batches_for_upload(annotations=annotations) output_annotations = list() for annotations_list in annotation_batch: success, response = await self._client_api.gen_async_request(req_type='post', path='/items/{}/annotations' .format(, json_req=annotations_list) if success: return_annotations = response.json() if not isinstance(return_annotations, list): return_annotations = [return_annotations] output_annotations.extend(return_annotations) else: if len(output_annotations) > 0: logger.warning("Only {} annotations from {} annotations have been uploaded". format(len(output_annotations), len(annotations))) raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) result = entities.AnnotationCollection.from_json(_json=output_annotations, item=self.item) return result
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/items/{itemId}/annotations', method='post') def upload(self, annotations) -> entities.AnnotationCollection: """ Upload a new annotation/annotations. You must first create the annotation using the annotation *builder* method. **Prerequisites**: Any user can upload annotations. :param List[dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation] or dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation annotations: list or single annotation of type Annotation :return: list of annotation objects :rtype: entities.AnnotationCollection **Example**: .. code-block:: python annotations = item.annotations.upload(annotations='builder') """ # make list if not list if isinstance(annotations, entities.AnnotationCollection): # get the annotation from a collection annotations = annotations.annotations elif isinstance(annotations, str) and os.path.isfile(annotations): # load annotation filepath and get list of annotations with open(annotations, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: annotations = json.load(f) annotations = annotations.get('annotations', []) # annotations = entities.AnnotationCollection.from_json_file(filepath=annotations).annotations elif isinstance(annotations, entities.Annotation) or isinstance(annotations, dict): # convert the single Annotation to a list annotations = [annotations] elif isinstance(annotations, list): pass else: exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Unknown annotation format. type: {}'.format(type(annotations))) if len(annotations) == 0: logger.warning('Annotation upload receives 0 annotations. Not doing anything') out_annotations = list() else: annotation_batches = self._create_batches_for_upload(annotations=annotations) out_annotations = self._upload_annotations_batches(annotation_batches=annotation_batches) out_annotations = entities.AnnotationCollection.from_json(_json=out_annotations, item=self.item) return out_annotations
[docs] def update_status(self, annotation: entities.Annotation = None, annotation_id: str = None, status: entities.AnnotationStatus = entities.AnnotationStatus.ISSUE ) -> entities.Annotation: """ Set status on annotation. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item that has been annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager*. :param dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation annotation: Annotation object :param str annotation_id: optional - annotation id to set status :param str status: can be AnnotationStatus.ISSUE, APPROVED, REVIEW, CLEAR :return: Annotation object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation **Example**: .. code-block:: python annotation = item.annotations.update_status(annotation_id='annotation_id', status=dl.AnnotationStatus.ISSUE) """ if annotation is None: if annotation_id is None: raise ValueError('must input on of "annotation" or "annotation_id"') annotation = self.get(annotation_id=annotation_id) if status not in list(entities.AnnotationStatus): raise ValueError('status must be on of: {}'.format(', '.join(list(entities.AnnotationStatus)))) annotation.status = status return annotation.update(system_metadata=True)
[docs] def builder(self): """ Create Annotation collection. **Prerequisites**: You must have an item to be annotated. You must have the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be assigned a task that includes that item as an *annotation manager* or *annotator*. :return: Annotation collection object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.annotation_collection.AnnotationCollection **Example**: .. code-block:: python annotation_collection = item.annotations.builder() """ return entities.AnnotationCollection(item=self.item)
################## # async function # ##################