Source code for dtlpy.entities.base_entity

import typing_extensions
import functools
import logging
import enum

from .. import miscellaneous

logger = logging.getLogger('dtlpy')

[docs]class EntityScopeLevel(str, enum.Enum): PRIVATE = 'private', PROJECT = 'project', ORG = 'org', PUBLIC = 'public'
class BaseEntity(object): is_fetched = True def print(self, to_return=False, columns=None): """ :param to_return: :param columns: """ return miscellaneous.List([self]).print(to_return=to_return, columns=columns) def to_df(self, show_all=False, columns=None): """ :param show_all: :param columns: """ return miscellaneous.List([self]).to_df(show_all=show_all, columns=columns) # for auto-complete from typing import TYPE_CHECKING RUNTIME = not TYPE_CHECKING if RUNTIME: def base_model(model): return model else: from dataclasses import dataclass as base_model
[docs]class DlList(list): def __init__(self, _list=None, _dict=None, _type=None): if _list is None: _list = list() if _dict is None: _dict = list() self._dict = _dict self._type = _type super(DlList, self).__init__(_list)
[docs] def append(self, item) -> None: if self._type is not None: assert isinstance(item, self._type), f'Cannot append type: {type(item)}. Must be type {self._type}' self._dict.append(item.to_json()) super(DlList, self).append(item) # append the item to itself (the list)
@base_model class DlEntity(object): is_fetched = True def __init__(self, _dict=None, **kwargs): # using dict by reference and not creating a new one each time if _dict is None: _dict = dict() self._dict = _dict # this will set all the inputs to right location (using the dl.Property definitions) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "_dict": self._dict.update(value.copy()) else: self.__setattr__(key, value) self._set_defaults() def _set_defaults(self): # getting all attribute (that are DlProperty) to set defaults to _dict # for att, a_type in type(self).__mro__[0].__dict__.items(): if isinstance(a_type, DlProperty): _ = self.__getattribute__(att) def print(self, to_return=False, columns=None): """ :param to_return: :param columns: """ return miscellaneous.List([self]).print(to_return=to_return, columns=columns) def to_df(self, show_all=False, columns=None): """ :param show_all: :param columns: """ return miscellaneous.List([self]).to_df(show_all=show_all, columns=columns) # def __repr__(self): # string = '{}('.format(self.__class__.__name__) # for prop in dir(self): # if isinstance(prop, DlProperty) and prop.repr is True: # string += '{}={}'.format() # params = json.dumps(self._dict, indent=4) # return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, params) # def __repr__(self): # self.print() # def __getattribute__(self, attr): # if super(BaseEntity, self).__getattribute__(attr) is None: # pass # return super(BaseEntity, self).__getattribute__(attr) class DlProperty: def __init__(self, location=None, default='NODEFAULT', _type=None, _kls=None): self.location = location self._default = default self._type = _type self._validator = None self._kls = _kls ############## # decorators # ############## def default(self, method=None): @functools.wraps(method) def _default(self): return method(self) self._default = _default return self._default def validator(self, method): @functools.wraps(method) def _validator(self, value): return method(self, value) self._validator = _validator return self._validator ############ # privates # ############ @staticmethod def _get_class(kls): import importlib module = importlib.import_module(f'.entities', package='dtlpy') kls = getattr(module, kls) return kls def _get_default(self, instance): if callable(self._default): default = self._default(self=instance) else: default = self._default return default def _to_dict(self, inst): if self._kls is not None: if isinstance(inst, list) and all(hasattr(v, 'to_json') for v in inst): _dict = [v.to_json() for v in inst] elif hasattr(inst, 'to_json'): _dict = inst.to_json() else: _dict = inst else: _dict = inst return _dict def _to_instance(self, _dict): if self._kls is not None: kls = self._get_class(kls=self._kls) if isinstance(_dict, list) and all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in _dict): value = DlList(_list=[kls.from_json(v) for v in _dict], _type=kls, _dict=_dict) elif isinstance(_dict, dict): value = kls(_dict=_dict, **_dict) else: value = _dict else: value = _dict return value def __get__(self, instance, owner): _dict = instance._dict for key in self.location[:-1]: _dict = _dict.get(key, dict()) # get default if set - can also be callable try: value = _dict[self.location[-1]] except KeyError: # get the default only of value doesnt exists value = self._get_default(instance=instance) if value == 'NODEFAULT': # if NODEFAULT - set value to None and DONT save in the _dict value = None else: # if default value is set - add the value into the _dict _dict[self.location[-1]] = value # instantiate dictionary to the type value = self._to_instance(_dict=value) # isinstance(value, typing_extensions.get_args(self._type)) return value def __set__(self, instance, value): # TODO still not working properly. need to fix this validation # if not isinstance(value, typing_extensions.get_args(self._type)): # logger.warning( # f'Incorrect typing for type: {type(instance)}. {self.location} must be of type {self._type}. Received: {type(value)}') _client_api = getattr(instance, 'client_api', None) # validate - if validator is set if self._validator is not None: # instantiate the value before validation inst = self._to_instance(_dict=value) self._validator(self=instance, value=inst) # convert to the value's kls value = self._to_dict(inst=value) # set value in the dictionary _dict = instance._dict for key in self.location[:-1]: _dict = _dict.get(key, dict()) _dict[self.location[-1]] = value