Source code for dtlpy.repositories.tasks

import datetime
import logging
import json
from typing import Union, List

from .. import exceptions, miscellaneous, entities, repositories, _api_reference
from import ApiClient

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')
URL_PATH = '/annotationtasks'

[docs]class Tasks: """ Tasks Repository The Tasks class allows the user to manage tasks and their properties. For more information, read in our SDK documentation about `Creating Tasks <>`_, `Redistributing and Reassigning Tasks <>`_, and `Task Assignment <>`_. """ def __init__(self, client_api: ApiClient, project: entities.Project = None, dataset: entities.Dataset = None, project_id: str = None): self._client_api = client_api self._project = project self._dataset = dataset self._assignments = None if project_id is None: if self._project is not None: project_id = elif self._dataset is not None: if self._dataset._project is not None: project_id = elif isinstance(self._dataset.projects, list) and len(self._dataset.projects) > 0: project_id = self._dataset.projects[0] self._project_id = project_id ############ # entities # ############ @property def project(self) -> entities.Project: if self._project is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='2001', message='Missing "project". need to set a Project entity or use project.tasks repository') assert isinstance(self._project, entities.Project) return self._project @project.setter def project(self, project: entities.Project): if not isinstance(project, entities.Project): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Project entity') self._project = project @property def dataset(self) -> entities.Dataset: if self._dataset is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='2001', message='Missing "dataset". need to set a Dataset entity or use dataset.tasks repository') assert isinstance(self._dataset, entities.Dataset) return self._dataset @dataset.setter def dataset(self, dataset: entities.Dataset): if not isinstance(dataset, entities.Dataset): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Dataset entity') self._dataset = dataset @property def assignments(self) -> repositories.Assignments: if self._assignments is None: self._assignments = repositories.Assignments(client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project) assert isinstance(self._assignments, repositories.Assignments) return self._assignments def _build_entities_from_response(self, response_items) -> miscellaneous.List[entities.Task]: pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='entity.create') jobs = [None for _ in range(len(response_items))] for i_task, task in enumerate(response_items): jobs[i_task] = pool.submit( entities.Task._protected_from_json, **{ 'client_api': self._client_api, '_json': task, 'project': self._project, 'dataset': self._dataset } ) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] # log errors _ = [logger.warning(r[1]) for r in results if r[0] is False] # return good jobs tasks = miscellaneous.List([r[1] for r in results if r[0] is True]) return tasks def _list(self, filters: entities.Filters): url = '{}/query'.format(URL_PATH) query = filters.prepare() query['context'] = dict(projectIds=[self._project_id]) success, response = self._client_api.gen_request( req_type='post', path=url, json_req=filters.prepare() ) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return response.json()
[docs] def query(self, filters=None, project_ids=None): """ List all tasks by filter. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or *annotation manager* who has been assigned the task. :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :param list project_ids: list of project ids of the required tasks :return: Paged entity - task pages generator :rtype: dtlpy.entities.paged_entities.PagedEntities **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.query(project_ids='project_ids') """ if project_ids is None: if self._project_id is not None: project_ids = self._project_id else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please provide param project_ids') if not isinstance(project_ids, list): project_ids = [project_ids] if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters(resource=entities.FiltersResource.TASK) else: if not isinstance(filters, entities.Filters): raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Unknown filters type') if filters.resource != entities.FiltersResource.TASK: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Filter resource must be task') if filters.context is None: filters.context = {'projectIds': project_ids} if self._project_id is not None: filters.add(field='projectId', values=self._project_id) if self._dataset is not None: filters.add(field='datasetId', paged = entities.PagedEntities(items_repository=self, filters=filters,, page_size=filters.page_size, project_id=self._project_id, client_api=self._client_api) paged.get_page() return paged
########### # methods # ###########
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotationtasks/query', method='post') def list( self, project_ids=None, status=None, task_name=None, pages_size=None, page_offset=None, recipe=None, creator=None, assignments=None, min_date=None, max_date=None, filters: entities.Filters = None ) -> Union[miscellaneous.List[entities.Task], entities.PagedEntities]: """ List all tasks. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or *annotation manager* who has been assigned the task. :param project_ids: search tasks by given list of project ids :param str status: search tasks by a given task status :param str task_name: search tasks by a given task name :param int pages_size: pages size of the output generator :param int page_offset: page offset of the output generator :param dtlpy.entities.recipe.Recipe recipe: Search tasks that use a given recipe. Provide the required recipe object :param str creator: search tasks created by a given creator (user email) :param dtlpy.entities.assignment.Assignment recipe assignments: assignments object :param double min_date: search all tasks created AFTER a given date, use a milliseconds format. For example: 1661780622008 :param double max_date: search all tasks created BEFORE a given date, use a milliseconds format. For example: 1661780622008 :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: dl.Filters entity to filters tasks using DQL :return: List of Task objects **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.list(project_ids='project_ids',pages_size=100, page_offset=0) """ # url url = URL_PATH + '/query' if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters(use_defaults=False, resource=entities.FiltersResource.TASK) else: return self.query(filters=filters, project_ids=project_ids) if self._dataset is not None: filters.add(field='datasetId', if project_ids is not None: if not isinstance(project_ids, list): project_ids = [project_ids] elif self._project_id is not None: project_ids = [self._project_id] else: raise ('400', 'Must provide project') filters.context = {"projectIds": project_ids} if assignments is not None: if not isinstance(assignments, list): assignments = [assignments] assignments = [ if isinstance(assignments_entity, entities.Assignment) else assignments_entity for assignments_entity in assignments] filters.add(field='assignmentIds', values=assignments, operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN) if status is not None: filters.add(field='status', values=status) if task_name is not None: filters.add(field='name', values=task_name) if pages_size is not None: filters.page_size = pages_size if pages_size is None: filters.page_size = 500 if page_offset is not None: = page_offset if recipe is not None: if not isinstance(recipe, list): recipe = [recipe] recipe = [ if isinstance(recipe_entity, entities.Recipe) else recipe_entity for recipe_entity in recipe] filters.add(field='recipeId', values=recipe, operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN) if creator is not None: filters.add(field='creator', values=creator) if min_date is not None: filters.add(field='dueDate', values=min_date, operator=entities.FiltersOperations.GREATER_THAN) if max_date is not None: filters.add(field='dueDate', values=max_date, operator=entities.FiltersOperations.LESS_THAN) success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path=url, json_req=filters.prepare()) if success: tasks = miscellaneous.List( [entities.Task.from_json(client_api=self._client_api, _json=_json, project=self._project, dataset=self._dataset) for _json in response.json()['items']]) else: logger.error('Platform error getting annotation task') raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return tasks
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotationtasks/{id}', method='get') def get(self, task_name=None, task_id=None) -> entities.Task: """ Get a Task object to use in your code. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or *annotation manager* who has been assigned the task. :param str task_name: optional - search by name :param str task_id: optional - search by id :return: task object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.task.Task **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.get(task_id='task_id') """ # url url = URL_PATH if task_id is not None: url = '{}/{}'.format(url, task_id) success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='get', path=url) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) else: task = entities.Task.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, dataset=self._dataset) # verify input task name is same as the given id if task_name is not None and != task_name: logger.warning( "Mismatch found in tasks.get: task_name is different then" " {!r} != {!r}".format( task_name, elif task_name is not None: tasks = self.list(filters=entities.Filters(field='name', values=task_name, resource=entities.FiltersResource.TASK)) if tasks.items_count == 0: raise exceptions.PlatformException('404', 'Annotation task not found') elif tasks.items_count > 1: raise exceptions.PlatformException('404', 'More than one Annotation task exist with the same name: {}'.format( task_name)) else: task = tasks[0][0] else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either Annotation task name or Annotation task id') assert isinstance(task, entities.Task) return task
@property def platform_url(self): return self._client_api._get_resource_url("projects/{}/tasks".format(
[docs] def open_in_web(self, task_name: str = None, task_id: str = None, task: entities.Task = None): """ Open the task in the web platform. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or *annotation manager* who has been assigned the task. :param str task_name: the name of the task :param str task_id: the Id of the task :param dtlpy.entities.task.Task task: the task object **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.open_in_web(task_id='task_id') """ if task_name is not None: task = self.get(task_name=task_name) if task is not None: task.open_in_web() elif task_id is not None: self._client_api._open_in_web(url=self.platform_url + '/' + str(task_id)) else: self._client_api._open_in_web(url=self.platform_url)
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotationtasks/{id}', method='delete') def delete(self, task: entities.Task = None, task_name: str = None, task_id: str = None, wait: bool = True): """ Delete the Task. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or *annotation manager* who created that task. :param dtlpy.entities.task.Task task: the task object :param str task_name: the name of the task :param str task_id: the Id of the task :param bool wait: wait until delete task finish :return: True is success :rtype: bool **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.delete(task_id='task_id') """ if task_id is None: if task is None: if task_name is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either annotation task, ' 'annotation task name or annotation task id') else: task = self.get(task_name=task_name) task_id = url = URL_PATH url = '{}/{}'.format(url, task_id) success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='delete', path=url, json_req={'asynced': wait}) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) response_json = response.json() command = entities.Command.from_json(_json=response_json, client_api=self._client_api) if not wait: return command command = command.wait(timeout=0) if 'deleteTaskId' not in command.spec: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message="deleteTaskId key is missing in command response: {}" .format(response)) return True
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotationtasks/{id}', method='patch') def update(self, task: entities.Task = None, system_metadata=False ) -> entities.Task: """ Update a Task. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or *annotation manager* who created that task. :param dtlpy.entities.task.Task task: the task object :param bool system_metadata: True, if you want to change metadata system :return: Task object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.task.Task **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.update(task='task_entity') """ url = URL_PATH url = '{}/{}'.format(url, if system_metadata: url += '?system=true' success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='patch', path=url, json_req=task.to_json()) if success: return entities.Task.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, dataset=self._dataset) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response)
[docs] def create_qa_task(self, task: entities.Task, assignee_ids, due_date=None, filters=None, items=None, query=None, workload=None, metadata=None, available_actions=None, wait=True, batch_size=None, max_batch_workload=None, allowed_assignees=None, priority=entities.TaskPriority.MEDIUM ) -> entities.Task: """ Create a new QA Task. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner*, *developer*, or *annotation manager* who has been assigned to be *owner* of the annotation task. :param dtlpy.entities.task.Task task: the parent annotation task object :param list assignee_ids: list the QA task assignees (contributors) that should be working on the task. Provide a list of users' emails :param float due_date: date by which the QA task should be finished; for example, due_date=datetime.datetime(day=1, month=1, year=2029).timestamp() :param entities.Filters filters: dl.Filters entity to filter items for the task :param List[entities.Item] items: list of items (item Id or objects) to insert to the task :param dict DQL query: filter items for the task :param List[WorkloadUnit] workload: list of WorkloadUnit objects. Customize distribution (percentage) between the task assignees. For example: [dl.WorkloadUnit(, 80), dl.WorkloadUnit(, 20)] :param dict metadata: metadata for the task :param list available_actions: list of available actions (statuses) that will be available for the task items; The default statuses are: "Approved" and "Discarded" :param bool wait: wait until create task finish :param int batch_size: Pulling batch size (items), use with pulling allocation method. Restrictions - Min 3, max 100 :param int max_batch_workload: Max items in assignment, use with pulling allocation method. Restrictions - Min batchSize + 2, max batchSize * 2 :param list allowed_assignees: list the task assignees (contributors) that should be working on the task. Provide a list of users' emails :param entities.TaskPriority priority: priority of the task options in entities.TaskPriority :return: task object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.task.Task **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.create_qa_task(task= 'task_entity', due_date = datetime.datetime(day= 1, month= 1, year= 2029).timestamp(), assignee_ids =[ '', '']) """ source_filter = entities.filters.SingleFilter( field='metadata.system.refs', values={ "id":, "type": "task", "metadata": { "status": { "$exists": True } } }, operator=entities.FiltersOperations.MATCH ) if query is not None: and_list = query.get('filter', query).get('$and', None) if and_list is not None: and_list.append(source_filter.prepare()) else: if 'filter' not in query: query['filter'] = {} query['filter']['$and'] = [source_filter.prepare()] else: if filters is None and items is None: filters = entities.Filters() if filters: filters.and_filter_list.append(source_filter) return self.create(task_name='{}_qa'.format(, task_type='qa',, assignee_ids=assignee_ids, workload=workload, task_owner=task.creator, project_id=task.project_id, recipe_id=task.recipe_id, due_date=due_date, filters=filters, items=items, query=query, metadata=metadata, available_actions=available_actions, wait=wait, batch_size=batch_size, max_batch_workload=max_batch_workload, allowed_assignees=allowed_assignees, priority=priority )
def _add_task_metadata_params(self, metadata, input_value, input_name): if input_value is not None and not isinstance(input_value, int): raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message="{} must be a numbers".format(input_name)) if input_value is not None: metadata['system'][input_name] = input_value return metadata
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/annotationtasks', method='post') def create(self, task_name, due_date=None, assignee_ids=None, workload=None, dataset=None, task_owner=None, task_type='annotation', task_parent_id=None, project_id=None, recipe_id=None, assignments_ids=None, metadata=None, filters=None, items=None, query=None, available_actions=None, wait=True, check_if_exist: entities.Filters = False, limit=None, batch_size=None, max_batch_workload=None, allowed_assignees=None, priority=entities.TaskPriority.MEDIUM, consensus_percentage=None, consensus_assignees=None ) -> entities.Task: """ Create a new Task (Annotation or QA). **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner*, *developer*, or *annotation manager* who has been assigned to be *owner* of the annotation task. :param str task_name: the name of the task :param float due_date: date by which the task should be finished; for example, due_date=datetime.datetime(day=1, month=1, year=2029).timestamp() :param list assignee_ids: list the task assignees (contributors) that should be working on the task. Provide a list of users' emails :param List[WorkloadUnit] List[WorkloadUnit] workload: list of WorkloadUnit objects. Customize distribution (percentage) between the task assignees. For example: [dl.WorkloadUnit(, 80), dl.WorkloadUnit(, 20)] :param entities.Dataset dataset: dataset object, the dataset that refer to the task :param str task_owner: task owner. Provide user email :param str task_type: task type "annotation" or "qa" :param str task_parent_id: optional if type is qa - parent annotation task id :param str project_id: the Id of the project where task will be created :param str recipe_id: recipe id for the task :param list assignments_ids: assignments ids to the task :param dict metadata: metadata for the task :param entities.Filters filters: dl.Filters entity to filter items for the task :param List[entities.Item] items: list of items (item Id or objects) to insert to the task :param dict DQL query: filter items for the task :param list available_actions: list of available actions (statuses) that will be available for the task items; The default statuses are: "Completed" and "Discarded" :param bool wait: wait until create task finish :param entities.Filters check_if_exist: dl.Filters check if task exist according to filter :param int limit: the limit items that the task can include :param int batch_size: Pulling batch size (items), use with pulling allocation method. Restrictions - Min 3, max 100 :param int max_batch_workload: max_batch_workload: Max items in assignment, use with pulling allocation method. Restrictions - Min batchSize + 2, max batchSize * 2 :param list allowed_assignees: list the task assignees (contributors) that should be working on the task. Provide a list of users' emails :param entities.TaskPriority priority: priority of the task options in entities.TaskPriority :param int consensus_percentage: the consensus percentage ber task :param int consensus_assignees: the consensus assignees number of the task :return: Task object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.task.Task **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.create(task= 'task_entity', due_date = datetime.datetime(day= 1, month= 1, year= 2029).timestamp(), assignee_ids =[ '', '']) """ if dataset is None and self._dataset is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please provide param dataset') if due_date is None: due_date = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=7)).timestamp() if query is None: if filters is None and items is None: query = entities.Filters().prepare() elif filters is None: if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] query = entities.Filters(field='id', values=[ for item in items], operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN, use_defaults=False).prepare() else: query = filters.prepare() if dataset is None: dataset = self._dataset if task_owner is None: task_owner =['user_email'] if task_type not in ['annotation', 'qa']: raise ValueError('task_type must be one of: "annotation", "qa". got: {}'.format(task_type)) if recipe_id is None: recipe_id = dataset.get_recipe_ids()[0] if project_id is None: if self._project_id is not None: project_id = self._project_id else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide a project id') if workload is None and assignee_ids is not None: workload = entities.Workload.generate(assignee_ids=assignee_ids) if assignments_ids is None: assignments_ids = list() payload = {'name': task_name, 'query': "{}".format(json.dumps(query).replace("'", '"')), 'taskOwner': task_owner, 'spec': {'type': task_type}, 'datasetId':, 'projectId': project_id, 'assignmentIds': assignments_ids, 'recipeId': recipe_id, 'dueDate': due_date * 1000, 'asynced': wait, 'priority': priority } if check_if_exist: if check_if_exist.resource != entities.FiltersResource.TASK: raise exceptions.PlatformException( '407', 'Filter resource for check_if_exist param must be {}, got {}'.format( entities.FiltersResource.TASK, check_if_exist.resource ) ) payload['checkIfExist'] = {'query': check_if_exist.prepare()} if workload: payload['workload'] = workload.to_json() if limit: payload['limit'] = limit if available_actions is not None: payload['availableActions'] = [action.to_json() for action in available_actions] if task_parent_id is not None: payload['spec']['parentTaskId'] = task_parent_id is_pulling = any([batch_size, max_batch_workload]) is_consensus = any([consensus_percentage, consensus_assignees]) if is_pulling and is_consensus: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message="Consensus can not work as a pulling task") if any([is_pulling, is_consensus]): if metadata is None: metadata = {} if 'system' not in metadata: metadata['system'] = {} if allowed_assignees is not None or assignee_ids is not None: metadata['system']['allowedAssignees'] = allowed_assignees if allowed_assignees else assignee_ids metadata = self._add_task_metadata_params(metadata=metadata, input_value=batch_size, input_name='batchSize') metadata = self._add_task_metadata_params(metadata=metadata, input_value=max_batch_workload, input_name='maxBatchWorkload') metadata = self._add_task_metadata_params(metadata=metadata, input_value=consensus_percentage, input_name='consensusPercentage') metadata = self._add_task_metadata_params(metadata=metadata, input_value=consensus_assignees, input_name='consensusAssignees') if metadata is not None: payload['metadata'] = metadata success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path=URL_PATH, json_req=payload) if success: response_json = response.json() if check_if_exist is not None and 'name' in response_json: return entities.Task.from_json( _json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, dataset=self._dataset ) command = entities.Command.from_json(_json=response_json, client_api=self._client_api) if not wait: return command command = command.wait(timeout=0) if 'createTaskPayload' not in command.spec: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message="createTaskPayload key is missing in command response: {}" .format(response)) task = self.get(task_id=command.spec['createdTaskId']) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) assert isinstance(task, entities.Task) return task
def __item_operations(self, dataset: entities.Dataset, op, task=None, task_id=None, filters=None, items=None): if task is None and task_id is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either task or task id') elif task_id is None: task_id = try: if filters is None and items is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either filters or items list') if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters(field='id', values=[ for item in items], operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN, use_defaults=False) if op == 'delete': if task is None: task = self.get(task_id=task_id) assignment_ids = task.assignmentIds filters._ref_assignment = True filters._ref_assignment_id = assignment_ids filters._ref_task = True filters._ref_task_id = task_id filters._ref_op = op return dataset.items.update(filters=filters) finally: if filters is not None: filters._nullify_refs()
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='annotationtasks/{id}/addToTask', method='post') def add_items(self, task: entities.Task = None, task_id=None, filters: entities.Filters = None, items=None, assignee_ids=None, query=None, workload=None, limit=None, wait=True) -> entities.Task: """ Add items to a Task. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner*, *developer*, or *annotation manager* who has been assigned to be *owner* of the annotation task. :param dtlpy.entities.task.Task task: task object :param str task_id: the Id of the task :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :param list items: list of items (item Ids or objects) to add to the task :param list assignee_ids: list to assignee who works in the task :param dict query: query to filter the items for the task :param list workload: list of WorkloadUnit objects. Customize distribution (percentage) between the task assignees. For example: [dl.WorkloadUnit(, 80), dl.WorkloadUnit(, 20)] :param int limit: the limit items that task can include :param bool wait: wait until add items will to finish :return: task entity :rtype: dtlpy.entities.task.Task **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.add_items(task= 'task_entity', items = [items]) """ if filters is None and items is None and query is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either filters, query or items list') if task is None and task_id is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either task or task_id') if query is None: if filters is None: if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] filters = entities.Filters(field='id', values=[ for item in items], operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN, use_defaults=False) query = filters.prepare() if workload is None and assignee_ids is not None: workload = entities.Workload.generate(assignee_ids=assignee_ids) if task_id is None: task_id = payload = { "query": "{}".format(json.dumps(query).replace("'", '"')), } if workload is not None: payload["workload"] = workload.to_json() if limit is not None: payload['limit'] = limit payload['asynced'] = wait url = '{}/{}/addToTask'.format(URL_PATH, task_id) success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path=url, json_req=payload) if success: command = entities.Command.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api) if not wait: return command command = command.wait(timeout=0) if task is None: task = self.get(task_id=task_id) if 'addToTaskPayload' not in command.spec: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message="addToTaskPayload key is missing in command response: {}" .format(response)) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) assert isinstance(task, entities.Task) return task
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='annotationtasks/{id}/removeFromTask', method='post') def remove_items(self, task: entities.Task = None, task_id=None, filters: entities.Filters = None, query=None, items=None, wait=True): """ remove items from Task. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner*, *developer*, or *annotation manager* who has been assigned to be *owner* of the annotation task. :param dtlpy.entities.task.Task task: task object :param str task_id: the Id of the task :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :param dict query: query to filter the items use it :param list items: list of items to add to the task :param bool wait: wait until remove items finish :return: True if success and an error if failed :rtype: bool **Examples**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.remove_items(task= 'task_entity', items = [items]) """ if filters is None and items is None and query is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either filters, query or items list') if task is None and task_id is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either task or task_id') if query is None: if filters is None: if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] filters = entities.Filters(field='id', values=[ for item in items], operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN, use_defaults=False) query = filters.prepare() if task_id is None: task_id = payload = {"query": "{}".format(json.dumps(query).replace("'", '"')), 'asynced': wait} url = '{}/{}/removeFromTask'.format(URL_PATH, task_id) success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path=url, json_req=payload) if success: command = entities.Command.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api) if not wait: return command command = command.wait(timeout=0) if 'removeFromTaskId' not in command.spec: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message="removeFromTaskId key is missing in command response: {}" .format(response)) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return True
[docs] def get_items(self, task_id: str = None, task_name: str = None, dataset: entities.Dataset = None, filters: entities.Filters = None) -> entities.PagedEntities: """ Get the task items to use in your code. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner*, *developer*, or *annotation manager* who has been assigned to be *owner* of the annotation task. If a filters param is provided, you will receive a PagedEntity output of the task items. If no filter is provided, you will receive a list of the items. :param str task_id: the Id of the task :param str task_name: the name of the task :param dtlpy.entities.dataset.Dataset dataset: dataset object that refer to the task :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :return: list of the items or PagedEntity output of items :rtype: list or dtlpy.entities.paged_entities.PagedEntities **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.get_items(task_id= 'task_id') """ if task_id is None and task_name is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please provide either task_id or task_name') if task_id is None: task_id = self.get(task_name=task_name).id if dataset is None and self._dataset is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please provide a dataset entity') if dataset is None: dataset = self._dataset if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters(use_defaults=False) filters.add(field='', values=[task_id], operator=entities.FiltersOperations.IN) return dataset.items.list(filters=filters)
[docs] def set_status(self, status: str, operation: str, task_id: str, item_ids: List[str]): """ Update an item status within a task. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner*, *developer*, or *annotation manager* who has been assigned to be *owner* of the annotation task. :param str status: string the describes the status :param str operation: the status action need 'create' or 'delete' :param str task_id: the Id of the task :param list item_ids: List[str] id items ids :return: True if success :rtype: bool **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.tasks.set_status(task_id= 'task_id', status='complete', operation='create') """ url = '/assignments/items/tasks/{task_id}/status'.format(task_id=task_id) payload = { 'itemIds': item_ids, 'statusPayload': { 'operation': operation, 'returnLastStatus': True, 'status': status } } success, response = self._client_api.gen_request( req_type='post', path=url, json_req=payload ) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) if response.json() is not None: updated_items = set(response.json().keys()) log_msg = 'Items status was updated successfully.' if len(updated_items) != len(item_ids): failed_items = set(item_ids).difference(updated_items) log_msg = '{success_count} out of TOTAL items were updated. The following items failed to update: {failed_items}'.format( success_count=len(updated_items), failed_items=failed_items) return True