Source code for dtlpy.entities.ontology

import traceback
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
import random
import attr

from .. import entities, PlatformException, repositories, services, exceptions

from .label import Label

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')

class LabelHandlerMode:
    ADD = "add"
    UPDATE = "update"
    UPSERT = "upsert"

[docs]@attr.s class Ontology(entities.BaseEntity): """ Ontology object """ # api _client_api = attr.ib(type=services.ApiClient, repr=False) # params id = attr.ib() creator = attr.ib() url = attr.ib(repr=False) title = attr.ib() labels = attr.ib(repr=False) metadata = attr.ib(repr=False) attributes = attr.ib() # entities _recipe = attr.ib(repr=False, default=None) _dataset = attr.ib(repr=False, default=None) _project = attr.ib(repr=False, default=None) # repositories _repositories = attr.ib(repr=False) # defaults _instance_map = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) @_repositories.default def set_repositories(self): reps = namedtuple('repositories', field_names=['ontologies', 'datasets', 'projects']) if self._recipe is None: ontologies = repositories.Ontologies(client_api=self._client_api, recipe=self._recipe) else: ontologies = self.recipe.ontologies r = reps(ontologies=ontologies, datasets=repositories.Datasets(client_api=self._client_api), projects=repositories.Projects(client_api=self._client_api)) return r @property def recipe(self): if self._recipe is not None: assert isinstance(self._recipe, entities.Recipe) return self._recipe @property def dataset(self): if self._dataset is None: if self.recipe is not None: self._dataset = self.recipe.dataset if self._dataset is not None: assert isinstance(self._dataset, entities.Dataset) return self._dataset @property def project(self): if self._project is None: if 'system' in self.metadata: project_id = self.metadata['system'].get('projectIds', None) if project_id is not None: self._project = self.projects.get(project_id=project_id[0]) elif self.dataset is not None: self._project = self.dataset.project if self._project is not None: assert isinstance(self._project, entities.Project) return self._project @property def ontologies(self): if self._repositories.ontologies is not None: assert isinstance(self._repositories.ontologies, repositories.Ontologies) return self._repositories.ontologies @property def projects(self): if self._repositories.projects is not None: assert isinstance(self._repositories.projects, repositories.Projects) return self._repositories.projects @property def labels_flat_dict(self): flatten_dict = dict() def add_to_dict(tag, father): flatten_dict[tag] = father for child in father.children: add_to_dict('{}.{}'.format(tag, child.tag), child) for label in self.labels: add_to_dict(label.tag, label) return flatten_dict @property def instance_map(self): if self._instance_map is None: labels = [label for label in self.labels_flat_dict] labels.sort() # each label gets index as instance id self._instance_map = {label: (i_label + 1) for i_label, label in enumerate(labels)} return self._instance_map @staticmethod def _protected_from_json(_json, client_api, recipe, dataset, project, is_fetched=True): """ Same as from_json but with try-except to catch if error :param _json: platform json :param client_api: ApiClient entity :return: """ try: ontology = Ontology.from_json(_json=_json, client_api=client_api, project=project, dataset=dataset, recipe=recipe, is_fetched=is_fetched) status = True except Exception: ontology = traceback.format_exc() status = False return status, ontology
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, _json, client_api, recipe, dataset=None, project=None, is_fetched=True): """ Build an Ontology entity object from a json :param is_fetched: is Entity fetched from Platform :param project: project entity :param dataset: dataset entity :param _json: _json response from host :param recipe: ontology's recipe :param client_api: ApiClient entity :return: Ontology object """ if "attributes" in _json: attributes = _json["attributes"] else: attributes = list() labels = list() for root in _json["roots"]: labels.append(entities.Label.from_root(root=root)) inst = cls( metadata=_json.get("metadata", None), creator=_json.get("creator", None), url=_json.get("url", None), id=_json["id"], title=_json.get("title", None), attributes=attributes, client_api=client_api, project=project, dataset=dataset, recipe=recipe, labels=labels, ) inst.is_fetched = is_fetched return inst
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns platform _json format of object :return: platform json format of object """ roots = [label.to_root() for label in self.labels] _json = attr.asdict(self, filter=attr.filters.exclude(attr.fields(Ontology)._client_api, attr.fields(Ontology)._recipe, attr.fields(Ontology)._project, attr.fields(Ontology)._dataset, attr.fields(Ontology)._instance_map, attr.fields(Ontology)._repositories)) _json["roots"] = roots return _json
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete recipe from platform :return: True """ return self.ontologies.delete(
[docs] def update(self, system_metadata=False): """ Update items metadata :param system_metadata: bool - True, if you want to change metadata system :return: Ontology object """ return self.ontologies.update(self, system_metadata=system_metadata)
def _add_children(self, label_name, children, labels_node, mode): for child in children: if not isinstance(child, entities.Label): if isinstance(child, dict): if "label_name" in child: child = dict(child) child["label_name"] = "{}.{}".format(label_name, child["label_name"]) labels_node += self._base_labels_handler(labels=[child], update_ontology=False, mode=mode) else: raise PlatformException("400", "Invalid parameters - child list must have label name attribute") else: raise PlatformException("400", "Invalid parameters - child must be a dict type") else: child.tag = "{}.{}".format(label_name, child.tag) labels_node += self._base_labels_handler(labels=child, update_ontology=False, mode=mode) return labels_node def _labels_handler_update_mode(self, json_req, upsert=False, log_error=True): json_req['upsert'] = upsert success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="PATCH", path="/ontologies/%s/labels" %, json_req=json_req, log_error=log_error) if success: logger.debug("Labels {} has been added successfully".format(json_req)) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return response def _labels_handler_add_mode(self, json_req): success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="PATCH", path="/ontologies/%s/addLabels" %, json_req=json_req) if success: logger.debug("Labels {} has been added successfully".format(json_req)) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return response def _base_labels_handler(self, labels, update_ontology=True, mode=LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT): """ Add a single label to ontology using add label endpoint , nested label is also supported :param labels = list of labels :param update_ontology - return json_req if False :param mode add, update or upsert, relevant on update_ontology=True only :return: Ontology updated entire label entity """ labels_node = list() if mode not in [LabelHandlerMode.ADD, LabelHandlerMode.UPDATE, LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT]: raise ValueError('mode must be on of: "add", "update", "upsert"') if not isinstance(labels, list): # for case that add label get one label labels = [labels] for label in labels: if isinstance(label, str): # Generate label from string label = entities.Label(tag=label) elif not isinstance(label, entities.Label): # Generate label from json label = Label.from_root(label) if isinstance(label, entities.Label): # label entity label_node = {"tag": label.tag} if label.color is not None: label_node["color"] = label.hex if label.attributes is not None: label_node["attributes"] = label.attributes if label.display_label is not None: label_node["displayLabel"] = label.display_label if label.display_data is not None: label_node["displayData"] = label.display_data labels_node.append(label_node) children = label.children self._add_children(label.tag, children, labels_node, mode=mode) else: raise PlatformException(error="400", message="Invalid parameters - Label can be list of str, Labels or dict") if not update_ontology or not len(labels_node): return labels_node json_req = { "labelsNode": labels_node } if mode == LabelHandlerMode.UPDATE: response = self._labels_handler_update_mode(json_req) else: response = self._labels_handler_update_mode(json_req, upsert=True, log_error=False) added_label = list() if "roots" not in response.json(): raise exceptions.PlatformException("error fetching updated labels from server") for root in response.json()["roots"]: # to get all labels added_label.append(entities.Label.from_root(root=root)) self.labels = added_label return added_label def _add_image_label(self, icon_path): display_data = dict() if self.project is not None: dataset = self.project.datasets.get(dataset_name='Binaries') elif self.dataset is not None: dataset = self.dataset.project.datasets.get(dataset_name='Binaries') else: raise ValueError('must have project or dataset to create with icon path') platform_path = "/.dataloop/ontologies/{}/labelDisplayImages/".format( item = dataset.items.upload(local_path=icon_path, remote_path=platform_path) display_data['displayImage'] = dict() display_data['displayImage']['itemId'] = display_data['displayImage']['datasetId'] = item.dataset_id return display_data def _label_handler(self, label_name, color=None, children=None, attributes=None, display_label=None, label=None, add=True, icon_path=None, update_ontology=False, mode=LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT): """ Add a single label to ontology :param label_name: label name :param color: optional - if not given a random color will be selected :param children: optional - children :param attributes: optional - attributes :param display_label: optional - display_label :param label: :param add: :param icon_path: path to image to be display on label :param update_ontology: update the ontology, default = False for backward compatible :param mode add, update or upsert, relevant on update_ontology=True only :return: Label entity """ if update_ontology: if isinstance(label, entities.Label) or isinstance(label, str): return self._base_labels_handler(labels=label, update_ontology=update_ontology, mode=mode) else: display_data = dict() if icon_path is not None: display_data = self._add_image_label(icon_path=icon_path) return self._base_labels_handler(labels={"tag": label_name, "displayLabel": display_label, "color": color, "attributes": attributes, "children": children, "displayData": display_data }, update_ontology=update_ontology, mode=mode) if not isinstance(label, entities.Label): if "." in label_name: raise PlatformException("400", "Invalid parameters - nested label can work with update_ontology option only") if attributes is None: attributes = list() if not isinstance(attributes, list): attributes = [attributes] # get random color if none given if color is None: color = (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) if children is None: children = list() if not isinstance(children, list): children = [children] # add children added_children = list() for child in children: if not isinstance(child, entities.Label): added_children.append(self._label_handler(**child, add=False)) else: added_children.append(child) if display_label is None: display_label = "" if len(label_name.split("_")) == 1: display_label = label_name[0].upper() + label_name[1:] else: for word in label_name.split("_"): display_label += word[0].upper() + word[1:] + " " display_label = display_label[0:-1] display_data = dict() if icon_path is not None: display_data = self._add_image_label(icon_path=icon_path) root = { "value": { "tag": label_name, "displayLabel": display_label, "color": color, "attributes": attributes, "displayData": display_data }, "children": list(), } added_label = entities.Label.from_root(root) added_label.children = added_children else: added_label = label if add and self._validate_label(added_label=added_label, mode=mode, color=color, children=children, attributes=attributes, display_label=display_label, display_data=icon_path): self.labels.append(added_label) self._base_labels_handler(labels=added_label, update_ontology=True, mode=mode) return added_label def _validate_label(self, added_label, mode=LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT, color=None, children=None, attributes=None, display_label=None, display_data=None): """ check if the label is exist """ for i in range(len(self.labels)): if self.labels[i].tag == added_label.tag: if mode == LabelHandlerMode.UPDATE: if color: self.labels[i].color = added_label.color if children: self.labels[i].children = added_label.children if attributes: self.labels[i].attributes = added_label.attributes if display_label: self.labels[i].display_label = added_label.display_label if display_data: self.labels[i].display_data = added_label.display_data return False return True def _labels_handler(self, label_list, update_ontology=False, mode=LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT): """ Adds a list of labels to ontology :param label_list: list of labels [{"value": {"tag": "tag", "displayLabel": "displayLabel", "color": "#color", "attributes": [attributes]}, "children": [children]}] :param update_ontology: update the ontology, default = False for backward compatible :param mode add, update or upsert, relevant on update_ontology=True only :return: List of label entities added """ if update_ontology: return self._base_labels_handler(labels=label_list, mode=mode) labels = list() for label in label_list: if isinstance(label, str): label = entities.Label(tag=label) if isinstance(label, entities.Label): # label entity labels.append(label) else: # dictionary labels.append(Label.from_root(label)) added_labels = list() for label in labels: added_labels.append(self._label_handler(label.tag, label=label, update_ontology=update_ontology)) return added_labels
[docs] def delete_labels(self, label_names): """ Delete labels from ontology :param label_names: label object/ label name / list of label objects / list of label names :return: """ if not isinstance(label_names, list): label_names = [label_names] if isinstance(label_names[0], entities.Label): label_names = [label.tag for label in label_names] for label in label_names: self.__delete_label(label) self.update()
def __delete_label(self, label_name): if label_name in self.instance_map.keys(): labels = self.labels label_chain = label_name.split('.') while len(label_chain) > 1: label_name = label_chain.pop(0) for i_label, label in enumerate(labels): if label.tag == label_name: labels = labels[i_label].children break label_name = label_chain[0] for i_label, label in enumerate(labels): if label.tag == label_name: labels.pop(i_label)
[docs] def add_label(self, label_name, color=None, children=None, attributes=None, display_label=None, label=None, add=True, icon_path=None, update_ontology=False): """ Add a single label to ontology :param label_name: label name :param color: optional - if not given a random color will be selected :param children: optional - children :param attributes: optional - attributes :param display_label: optional - display_label :param label: :param add: :param icon_path: path to image to be display on label :param update_ontology: update the ontology, default = False for backward compatible :return: Label entity """ return self._label_handler(label_name=label_name, color=color, children=children, attributes=attributes, display_label=display_label, label=label, add=add, icon_path=icon_path, update_ontology=update_ontology)
[docs] def add_labels(self, label_list, update_ontology=False): """ Adds a list of labels to ontology :param label_list: list of labels [{"value": {"tag": "tag", "displayLabel": "displayLabel", "color": "#color", "attributes": [attributes]}, "children": [children]}] :param update_ontology: update the ontology, default = False for backward compatible :return: List of label entities added """ self._labels_handler(label_list=label_list, update_ontology=update_ontology, mode=LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT)
[docs] def update_label(self, label_name, color=None, children=None, attributes=None, display_label=None, label=None, add=True, icon_path=None, upsert=False, update_ontology=False): """ Update a single label to ontology :param label_name: label name :param color: optional - if not given a random color will be selected :param children: optional - children :param attributes: optional - attributes :param display_label: optional - display_label :param label: :param add: :param icon_path: path to image to be display on label :param upsert: if True will add in case it does not existing :param update_ontology: update the ontology, default = False for backward compatible :return: Label entity """ if upsert: mode = LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT else: mode = LabelHandlerMode.UPDATE return self._label_handler(label_name=label_name, color=color, children=children, attributes=attributes, display_label=display_label, label=label, add=add, icon_path=icon_path, update_ontology=update_ontology, mode=mode)
[docs] def update_labels(self, label_list, upsert=False, update_ontology=False): """ Update a list of labels to ontology :param label_list: list of labels [{"value": {"tag": "tag", "displayLabel": "displayLabel", "color": "#color", "attributes": [attributes]}, "children": [children]}] :param upsert: if True will add in case it does not existing :param update_ontology: update the ontology, default = False for backward compatible :return: List of label entities added """ if upsert: mode = LabelHandlerMode.UPSERT else: mode = LabelHandlerMode.UPDATE self._labels_handler(label_list=label_list, update_ontology=update_ontology, mode=mode)