Source code for dtlpy.repositories.models

import time
from typing import List
import logging

from .. import entities, repositories, exceptions, miscellaneous
from import ApiClient

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')


[docs]class Models: """ Models Repository """ def __init__(self, client_api: ApiClient, package: entities.Package = None, project: entities.Project = None, project_id: str = None): self._client_api = client_api self._project = project self._package = package self._project_id = project_id if self._project is not None: self._project_id = ############ # entities # ############ @property def project(self) -> entities.Project: if self._project is None: if self._project_id is not None: projects = repositories.Projects(client_api=self._client_api) self._project = projects.get(project_id=self._project_id) if self._project is None: if self._package is not None: if self._package._project is not None: self._project = self._package._project if self._project is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='2001', message='Missing "project". need to set a Project entity or use project.models repository') assert isinstance(self._project, entities.Project) return self._project @project.setter def project(self, project: entities.Project): if not isinstance(project, entities.Project): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Project entity') self._project = project @property def package(self) -> entities.Package: if self._package is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='2001', message='Cannot perform action WITHOUT Package entity in {} repository.'.format( self.__class__.__name__) + ' Please use package.models or set a model') assert isinstance(self._package, entities.Package) return self._package ########### # methods # ###########
[docs] def get(self, model_name=None, model_id=None) -> entities.Model: """ Get model object :param model_name: :param model_id: :return: dl.Model object """ if model_id is not None: success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="get", path="/ml/models/{}".format(model_id)) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) model = entities.Model.from_json(client_api=self._client_api, _json=response.json(), project=self._project, package=self._package) # verify input model name is same as the given id if model_name is not None and != model_name: logger.warning( "Mismatch found in models.get: model_name is different then" " {!r} != {!r}".format( model_name, elif model_name is not None: filters = entities.Filters( resource=entities.FiltersResource.MODEL, field='name', values=model_name ) project_id = None if self._project is not None: project_id = elif self._project_id is not None: project_id = self._project_id if project_id is not None: filters.add(field='projectId', values=project_id) if self._package is not None: filters.add(field='packageId', models = self.list(filters=filters) if models.items_count == 0: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='404', message='Model not found. Name: {}'.format(model_name)) elif models.items_count > 1: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='More than one Model found by the name of: {}. Try "get" by id or "list()".'.format( model_name)) model = models.items[0] else: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='No checked-out Model was found, must checkout or provide an identifier in inputs') return model
def _build_entities_from_response(self, response_items) -> miscellaneous.List[entities.Model]: jobs = [None for _ in range(len(response_items))] pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='entity.create') # return triggers list for i_service, service in enumerate(response_items): jobs[i_service] = pool.submit(entities.Model._protected_from_json, **{'client_api': self._client_api, '_json': service, 'package': self._package, 'project': self._project}) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] # log errors _ = [logger.warning(r[1]) for r in results if r[0] is False] # return good jobs return miscellaneous.List([r[1] for r in results if r[0] is True]) def _list(self, filters: entities.Filters): # request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='POST', path='/ml/models/query', json_req=filters.prepare()) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return response.json()
[docs] def list(self, filters: entities.Filters = None) -> entities.PagedEntities: """ List project model :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :return: Paged entity :rtype: dtlpy.entities.paged_entities.PagedEntities """ # default filters if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters(resource=entities.FiltersResource.MODEL) if self._project is not None: filters.add(field='projectId', if self._package is not None: filters.add(field='packageId', # assert type filters if not isinstance(filters, entities.Filters): raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Unknown filters type: {!r}'.format(type(filters))) if filters.resource != entities.FiltersResource.MODEL: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Filters resource must to be FiltersResource.MODEL. Got: {!r}'.format(filters.resource)) paged = entities.PagedEntities(items_repository=self, filters=filters,, page_size=filters.page_size, client_api=self._client_api) paged.get_page() return paged
def _set_model_filter(self, metadata: dict, train_filter: entities.Filters = None, validation_filter: entities.Filters = None): if metadata is None: metadata = {} if 'system' not in metadata: metadata['system'] = {} if 'subsets' not in metadata['system']: metadata['system']['subsets'] = {} if train_filter is not None: metadata['system']['subsets']['train'] = train_filter.prepare() if isinstance(train_filter, entities.Filters) else train_filter if validation_filter is not None: metadata['system']['subsets']['validation'] = validation_filter.prepare() if isinstance(validation_filter, entities.Filters) else validation_filter return metadata
[docs] @staticmethod def add_subset(model: entities.Model, subset_name: str, subset_filter: entities.Filters): """ Adds a subset for a model, specifying a subset of the model's dataset that could be used for training or validation. :param dtlpy.entities.Model model: the model to which the subset should be added :param str subset_name: the name of the subset :param dtlpy.entities.Filters subset_filter: the filtering operation that this subset performs in the dataset. **Example** .. code-block:: python project.models.add_subset(model=model_entity, subset_name='train', subset_filter=dtlpy.Filters(field='dir', values='/train')) model_entity.metadata['system']['subsets'] {'train': <dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters object at 0x1501dfe20>} """ if 'system' not in model.metadata: model.metadata['system'] = dict() if 'subsets' not in model.metadata['system']: model.metadata['system']['subsets'] = dict() model.metadata['system']['subsets'][subset_name] = subset_filter.prepare() model.update(system_metadata=True)
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_subset(model: entities.Model, subset_name: str): """ Removes a subset from a model's metadata. :param dtlpy.entities.Model model: the model to which the subset should be added :param str subset_name: the name of the subset **Example** .. code-block:: python project.models.add_subset(model=model_entity, subset_name='train', subset_filter=dtlpy.Filters(field='dir', values='/train')) model_entity.metadata['system']['subsets'] {'train': <dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters object at 0x1501dfe20>} project.models.delete_subset(model=model_entity, subset_name='train') model_entity.metadata['system']['subsets'] {} """ if model.metadata.get("system", dict()).get("subsets", dict()).get(subset_name) is None: logger.error(f"Model system metadata incomplete, could not delete subset {subset_name}.") else: _ = model.metadata['system']['subsets'].pop(subset_name) model.update(system_metadata=True)
[docs] def create( self, model_name: str, dataset_id: str = None, labels: list = None, ontology_id: str = None, description: str = None, model_artifacts: List[entities.Artifact] = None, project_id=None, tags: List[str] = None, package: entities.Package = None, configuration: dict = None, status: str = None, scope: entities.EntityScopeLevel = entities.EntityScopeLevel.PROJECT, version: str = '1.0.0', input_type=None, output_type=None, train_filter: entities.Filters = None, validation_filter: entities.Filters = None, app: entities.App = None ) -> entities.Model: """ Create a Model entity :param str model_name: name of the model :param str dataset_id: dataset id :param list labels: list of labels from ontology (must mach ontology id) can be a subset :param str ontology_id: ontology to connect to the model :param str description: description :param model_artifacts: optional list of dl.Artifact. Can be ItemArtifact, LocaArtifact or LinkArtifact :param str project_id: project that owns the model :param list tags: list of string tags :param package: optional - Package object :param dict configuration: optional - model configuration - dict :param str status: `str` of the optional values of :param str scope: the scope level of the model dl.EntityScopeLevel :param str version: version of the model :param str input_type: the file type the model expect as input (image, video, txt, etc) :param str output_type: dl.AnnotationType - the type of annotations the model produces (class, box segment, text, etc) :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters train_filter: Filters entity or a dictionary to define the items' scope in the specified dataset_id for the model train :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters validation_filter: Filters entity or a dictionary to define the items' scope in the specified dataset_id for the model validation :param dtlpy.entities.App app: App entity to connect the model to :return: Model Entity **Example**: .. code-block:: python project.models.create(model_name='model_name', dataset_id='dataset_id', labels=['label1', 'label2'], train_filter={filter: {$and: [{dir: "/10K short videos"}]},page: 0,pageSize: 1000,resource: "items"}}) """ if ontology_id is not None: # take labels from ontology ontologies = repositories.Ontologies(client_api=self._client_api) labels = [label.tag for label in ontologies.get(ontology_id=ontology_id).labels] if labels is None: # dont have to have labels. can use an empty list labels = list() if input_type is None: input_type = 'image' if output_type is None: output_type = entities.AnnotationType.CLASSIFICATION if package is None and self._package is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('Must provide a Package or create from package.models') elif package is None: package = self._package # TODO need to remove the entire project id user interface - need to take it from dataset id (in BE) if project_id is None: if self._project is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('Please provide project_id') project_id = else: if project_id != self._project_id: if (isinstance(package, entities.Package) and not package.is_global) or \ (isinstance(package, entities.Dpk) and not package.scope != 'public'): logger.warning( "Note! you are specified project_id {!r} which is different from repository context: {!r}".format( project_id, self._project_id)) if model_artifacts is None: model_artifacts = [] if not isinstance(model_artifacts, list): raise ValueError('`model_artifacts` must be a list of dl.Artifact entities') # create payload for request payload = { 'packageId':, 'name': model_name, 'projectId': project_id, 'datasetId': dataset_id, 'labels': labels, 'artifacts': [artifact.to_json(as_artifact=True) for artifact in model_artifacts], 'scope': scope, 'version': version, 'inputType': input_type, 'outputType': output_type, } if app is not None: if not isinstance(package, entities.Dpk): raise ValueError('package must be a Dpk entity') if app.dpk_name != or app.dpk_version != package.version: raise ValueError('App and package must be the same') component_name = None compute_config = None for model in package.components.models: if model['name'] == model_name: component_name = model['name'] compute_config = model.get('computeConfigs', None) break if component_name is None: raise ValueError('Model name not found in package') payload['app'] = { "id":, "componentName": component_name, "dpkName":, "dpkVersion": package.version } if compute_config is not None: payload['app']['computeConfig'] = compute_config if configuration is not None: payload['configuration'] = configuration if tags is not None: payload['tags'] = tags if description is not None: payload['description'] = description if status is not None: payload['status'] = status if train_filter or validation_filter: metadata = self._set_model_filter(metadata={}, train_filter=train_filter, validation_filter=validation_filter) payload['metadata'] = metadata # request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path='/ml/models', json_req=payload) # exception handling if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) model = entities.Model.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, package=package) return model
[docs] def clone(self, from_model: entities.Model, model_name: str, dataset: entities.Dataset = None, configuration: dict = None, status=None, scope=None, project_id: str = None, labels: list = None, description: str = None, tags: list = None, train_filter: entities.Filters = None, validation_filter: entities.Filters = None, wait=True, ) -> entities.Model: """ Clones and creates a new model out of existing one :param from_model: existing model to clone from :param str model_name: `str` new model name :param str dataset: dataset object for the cloned model :param dict configuration: `dict` (optional) if passed replaces the current configuration :param str status: `str` (optional) set the new status :param str scope: `str` (optional) set the new scope. default is "project" :param str project_id: `str` specify the project id to create the new model on (if other than the source model) :param list labels: `list` of `str` - label of the model :param str description: `str` description of the new model :param list tags: `list` of `str` - label of the model :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters train_filter: Filters entity or a dictionary to define the items' scope in the specified dataset_id for the model train :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters validation_filter: Filters entity or a dictionary to define the items' scope in the specified dataset_id for the model validation :param bool wait: `bool` wait for model to be ready :return: dl.Model which is a clone version of the existing model """ from_json = {"name": model_name, "packageId": from_model.package_id, "configuration": from_model.configuration, "outputType": from_model.output_type, "inputType": from_model.input_type} if project_id is None: if dataset is not None: # take dataset project project_id = else: # take model's project project_id = from_json['projectId'] = project_id if dataset is not None: if labels is None: labels = list(dataset.labels_flat_dict.keys()) from_json['datasetId'] = if labels is not None: from_json['labels'] = labels # if there are new labels - pop the mapping from the original _ = from_json['configuration'].pop('id_to_label_map', None) _ = from_json['configuration'].pop('label_to_id_map', None) if configuration is not None: from_json['configuration'].update(configuration) if description is not None: from_json['description'] = description if tags is not None: from_json['tags'] = tags if scope is not None: from_json['scope'] = scope if status is not None: from_json['status'] = status metadata = self._set_model_filter(metadata={}, train_filter=train_filter if train_filter is not None else from_model.metadata.get( 'system', {}).get('subsets', {}).get('train', None), validation_filter=validation_filter if validation_filter is not None else from_model.metadata.get( 'system', {}).get('subsets', {}).get('validation', None)) if metadata: from_json['metadata'] = metadata success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path='/ml/models/{}/clone'.format(, json_req=from_json) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) new_model = entities.Model.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, package=from_model._package) if wait: new_model = self.wait_for_model_ready(model=new_model) return new_model
[docs] def wait_for_model_ready(self, model: entities.Model): """ Wait for model to be ready :param model: Model entity """ sleep_time = MIN_INTERVAL while model.status == entities.ModelStatus.CLONING: model = self.get( time.sleep(sleep_time) sleep_time = min(sleep_time * BACKOFF_FACTOR, MAX_INTERVAL) time.sleep(sleep_time) return model
@property def platform_url(self): return self._client_api._get_resource_url("projects/{}/models".format(
[docs] def open_in_web(self, model=None, model_id=None): """ Open the model in web platform :param model: model entity :param str model_id: model id """ if model is not None: model.open_in_web() elif model_id is not None: self._client_api._open_in_web(url=self.platform_url + '/' + str(model_id) + '/main') else: self._client_api._open_in_web(url=self.platform_url)
[docs] def delete(self, model: entities.Model = None, model_name=None, model_id=None): """ Delete Model object :param model: Model entity to delete :param str model_name: delete by model name :param str model_id: delete by model id :return: True :rtype: bool """ # get id and name if model_id is None: if model is not None: model_id = elif model_name is not None: model = self.get(model_name=model_name) model_id = else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Must input at least one parameter to models.delete') # request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request( req_type="delete", path="/ml/models/{}".format(model_id) ) # exception handling if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) # return results return True
[docs] def update(self, model: entities.Model, system_metadata: bool = False) -> entities.Model: """ Update Model changes to platform :param model: Model entity :param bool system_metadata: True, if you want to change metadata system :return: Model entity """ # payload payload = model.to_json() # url url_path = '/ml/models/{}'.format( if system_metadata: url_path += '?system=true' # request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='patch', path=url_path, json_req=payload) # exception handling if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) # return entity return entities.Model.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, package=model._package)
[docs] def train(self, model_id: str, service_config=None): """ Train the model in the cloud. This will create a service and will run the adapter's train function as an execution :param model_id: id of the model to train :param dict service_config : Service object as dict. Contains the spec of the default service to create. :return: """ payload = dict() if service_config is not None: payload['serviceConfig'] = service_config success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", path=f"/ml/models/{model_id}/train", json_req=payload) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return entities.Execution.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project)
[docs] def evaluate(self, model_id: str, dataset_id: str, filters: entities.Filters = None, service_config=None): """ Evaluate Model, provide data to evaluate the model on You can also provide specific config for the deployed service :param str model_id: Model id to predict :param dict service_config : Service object as dict. Contains the spec of the default service to create. :param str dataset_id: ID of the dataset to evaluate :param entities.Filters filters: dl.Filter entity to run the predictions on :return: """ payload = {'input': {'datasetId': dataset_id}} if service_config is not None: payload['config'] = {'serviceConfig': service_config} if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters() if filters is not None: payload['input']['datasetQuery'] = filters.prepare() success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", path=f"/ml/models/{model_id}/evaluate", json_req=payload) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return entities.Execution.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project)
[docs] def predict(self, model, item_ids, dataset_id=None): """ Run model prediction with items :param model: dl.Model entity to run the prediction. :param item_ids: a list of item id to run the prediction. :param dataset_id: a dataset id to run the prediction. :return: """ if len(model.metadata['system'].get('deploy', {}).get('services', [])) == 0: # no services for model raise ValueError("Model doesnt have any associated services. Need to deploy before predicting") if item_ids is None and dataset_id is None: raise ValueError("Need to provide either item_ids or dataset_id") payload = {'input': {'itemIds': item_ids, 'datasetId': dataset_id}, 'config': {'serviceId': model.metadata['system']['deploy']['services'][0]}} success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", path=f"/ml/models/{}/predict", json_req=payload) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return entities.Execution.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project)
[docs] def embed(self, model, item_ids=None, dataset_id=None): """ Run model embed with items :param model: dl.Model entity to run the prediction. :param item_ids: a list of item id to run the embed. :param dataset_id: a dataset id to run the embed. :return: Execution :rtype: dtlpy.entities.execution.Execution """ if len(model.metadata['system'].get('deploy', {}).get('services', [])) == 0: # no services for model raise ValueError("Model doesnt have any associated services. Need to deploy before predicting") if item_ids is None and dataset_id is None: raise ValueError("Need to provide either item_ids or dataset_id") payload = {'input': {'itemIds': item_ids, 'datasetId': dataset_id}, 'config': {'serviceId': model.metadata['system']['deploy']['services'][0]}} success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", path=f"/ml/models/{}/embed", json_req=payload) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return entities.Execution.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project)
[docs] def embed_datasets(self, model, dataset_ids, attach_trigger=False): """ Run model embed with datasets :param model: dl.Model entity to run the prediction. :param dataset_ids: a list of dataset id to run the embed. :param attach_trigger: bool, if True will activate the trigger :return: """ if len(model.metadata['system'].get('deploy', {}).get('services', [])) == 0: # no services for model raise ValueError("Model doesnt have any associated services. Need to deploy before predicting") if dataset_ids is None: raise ValueError("Need to provide either dataset_id") payload = {'datasetIds': dataset_ids, 'config': {'serviceId': model.metadata['system']['deploy']['services'][0]}, 'attachTrigger': attach_trigger } success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", path=f"/ml/models/{}/embed/datasets", json_req=payload) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) command = entities.Command.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api) command = command.wait() return command
[docs] def deploy(self, model_id: str, service_config=None) -> entities.Service: """ Deploy a trained model. This will create a service that will execute predictions :param model_id: id of the model to deploy :param dict service_config : Service object as dict. Contains the spec of the default service to create. :return: dl.Service: the deployed service """ payload = dict() if service_config is not None: payload['serviceConfig'] = service_config success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", path=f"/ml/models/{model_id}/deploy", json_req=payload) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return entities.Service.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, package=self._package)
class Metrics: def __init__(self, client_api, model=None, model_id=None): self._client_api = client_api self._model_id = model_id self._model = model @property def model(self): return self._model def create(self, samples, dataset_id) -> bool: """ Add Samples for model analytics and metrics :param samples: list of dl.PlotSample - must contain: model_id, figure, legend, x, y :param model_id: model id to save samples on :param dataset_id: :return: bool: True if success """ if not isinstance(samples, list): samples = [samples] payload = list() for sample in samples: _json = sample.to_json() _json['modelId'] = _json['datasetId'] = dataset_id payload.append(_json) # request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='post', path='/ml/metrics/publish', json_req=payload) # exception handling if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) # return entity return True def _list(self, filters: entities.Filters): # request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type='POST', path='/ml/metrics/query', json_req=filters.prepare()) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return response.json() def _build_entities_from_response(self, response_items) -> miscellaneous.List[entities.Model]: jobs = [None for _ in range(len(response_items))] pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='entity.create') # return triggers list for i_service, sample in enumerate(response_items): jobs[i_service] = pool.submit(entities.PlotSample, **{'x': sample.get('data', dict()).get('x', None), 'y': sample.get('data', dict()).get('y', None), 'legend': sample.get('legend', ''), 'figure': sample.get('figure', '')}) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] # return good jobs return miscellaneous.List(results) def list(self, filters=None) -> entities.PagedEntities: """ List Samples for model analytics and metrics :param filters: dl.Filter query entity """ if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters(resource=entities.FiltersResource.METRICS) if not isinstance(filters, entities.Filters): raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Unknown filters type: {!r}'.format(type(filters))) if filters.resource != entities.FiltersResource.METRICS: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Filters resource must to be FiltersResource.METRICS. Got: {!r}'.format(filters.resource)) if self._model is not None: filters.add(field='modelId', paged = entities.PagedEntities(items_repository=self, filters=filters,, page_size=filters.page_size, client_api=self._client_api) paged.get_page() return paged