Source code for dtlpy.repositories.items

import logging

from .. import entities, exceptions, repositories, miscellaneous, _api_reference
from import ApiClient

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')

[docs]class Items: """ Items Repository The Items class allows you to manage items in your datasets. For information on actions related to items see """ def __init__(self, client_api: ApiClient, datasets: repositories.Datasets = None, dataset: entities.Dataset = None, dataset_id=None, items_entity=None, project=None): self._client_api = client_api self._dataset = dataset self._dataset_id = dataset_id self._datasets = datasets self._project = project # set items entity to represent the item (Item, Codebase, Artifact etc...) if items_entity is None: self.items_entity = entities.Item if self._dataset_id is None and self._dataset is not None: self._dataset_id = ############ # entities # ############ @property def dataset(self) -> entities.Dataset: if self._dataset is None: if self._dataset_id is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Cannot perform action WITHOUT Dataset entity in Items repository. Please set a dataset') self._dataset = self.datasets.get(dataset_id=self._dataset_id, fetch=None) assert isinstance(self._dataset, entities.Dataset) return self._dataset @dataset.setter def dataset(self, dataset: entities.Dataset): if not isinstance(dataset, entities.Dataset): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Dataset entity') self._dataset = dataset @property def project(self) -> entities.Project: if self._project is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Cannot perform action WITHOUT Project entity in Items repository. Please set a project') assert isinstance(self._dataset, entities.Dataset) return self._project @project.setter def project(self, project: entities.Project): if not isinstance(project, entities.Project): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Dataset entity') self._project = project ################ # repositories # ################ @property def datasets(self) -> repositories.Datasets: if self._datasets is None: self._datasets = repositories.Datasets(client_api=self._client_api) assert isinstance(self._datasets, repositories.Datasets) return self._datasets ########### # methods # ###########
[docs] def set_items_entity(self, entity): """ Set the item entity type to `Artifact <>`_, Item, or Codebase. :param entities.Item, entities.Artifact, entities.Codebase entity: entity type [entities.Item, entities.Artifact, entities.Codebase] """ if entity in [entities.Item, entities.Artifact, entities.Codebase]: self.items_entity = entity else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error="403", message="Unable to set given entity. Entity give: {}".format(entity))
[docs] def get_all_items(self, filters: entities.Filters = None) -> [entities.Item]: """ Get all items in dataset. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: dl.Filters entity to filters items :return: list of all items :rtype: list **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.get_all_items() """ if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters() filters._user_query = 'false' filters.add(field='type', values='file') pages = self.list(filters=filters) num_items = pages.items_count items = [None for _ in range(num_items)] for i_item, item in enumerate(pages.all()): items[i_item] = item items = [item for item in items if item is not None] return items
def _build_entities_from_response(self, response_items) -> miscellaneous.List[entities.Item]: pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='entity.create') jobs = [None for _ in range(len(response_items))] # return triggers list for i_item, item in enumerate(response_items): jobs[i_item] = pool.submit(self.items_entity._protected_from_json, **{'client_api': self._client_api, '_json': item, 'dataset': self.dataset}) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] # log errors _ = [logger.warning(r[1]) for r in results if r[0] is False] # return good jobs items = miscellaneous.List([r[1] for r in results if r[0] is True]) return items def _list(self, filters: entities.Filters): """ Get dataset items list This is a browsing endpoint, for any given path item count will be returned, user is expected to perform another request then for every folder item to actually get the its item list. :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :return: json response """ # prepare request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="POST", path="/datasets/{}/query".format(, json_req=filters.prepare(), headers={'user_query': filters._user_query}) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return response.json()
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/datasets/{id}/query', method='post') def list(self, filters: entities.Filters = None, page_offset: int = None, page_size: int = None ) -> entities.PagedEntities: """ List items in a dataset. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :param int page_offset: start page :param int page_size: page size :return: Pages object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.paged_entities.PagedEntities **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.list(page_offset=0, page_size=100) """ # default filters if filters is None: filters = entities.Filters() filters._user_query = 'false' # assert type filters elif not isinstance(filters, entities.Filters): raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message='Unknown filters type: {!r}'.format(type(filters))) if filters.resource != entities.FiltersResource.ITEM and filters.resource != entities.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Filters resource must to be FiltersResource.ITEM. Got: {!r}'.format(filters.resource)) # page size if page_size is None: # take from default page_size = filters.page_size else: filters.page_size = page_size # page offset if page_offset is None: # take from default page_offset = else: = page_offset if filters.resource == entities.FiltersResource.ITEM: items_repository = self else: items_repository = repositories.Annotations(client_api=self._client_api, dataset=self._dataset) paged = entities.PagedEntities(items_repository=items_repository, filters=filters, page_offset=page_offset, page_size=page_size, client_api=self._client_api) paged.get_page() return paged
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/items/{id}', method='get') def get(self, filepath: str = None, item_id: str = None, fetch: bool = None, is_dir: bool = False ) -> entities.Item: """ Get Item object **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. :param str filepath: optional - search by remote path :param str item_id: optional - search by id :param bool fetch: optional - fetch entity from platform, default taken from cookie :param bool is_dir: True if you want to get an item from dir type :return: Item object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.item.Item **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.get(item_id='item_id') """ if fetch is None: fetch = self._client_api.fetch_entities if fetch: if item_id is not None: success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="get", path="/items/{}".format(item_id)) if success: item = self.items_entity.from_json(client_api=self._client_api, _json=response.json(), dataset=self._dataset, project=self._project) # verify input filepath is same as the given id if filepath is not None and item.filename != filepath: logger.warning( "Mismatch found in items.get: filepath is different then item.filename: " "{!r} != {!r}".format( filepath, item.filename)) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) elif filepath is not None: filters = entities.Filters() filters.pop(field='hidden') if is_dir: filters.add(field='type', values='dir') filters.recursive = False filters.add(field='filename', values=filepath) paged_entity = self.list(filters=filters) if len(paged_entity.items) == 0: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='404', message='Item not found. filepath= "{}"'.format(filepath)) elif len(paged_entity.items) > 1: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='404', message='More than one item found. Please "get" by id. filepath: "{}"'.format(filepath)) else: item = paged_entity.items[0] else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error="400", message='Must choose by at least one. "filename" or "item_id"') else: item = entities.Item.from_json(_json={'id': item_id, 'filename': filepath}, client_api=self._client_api, dataset=self._dataset, is_fetched=False, project=self._project) assert isinstance(item, entities.Item) return item
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/items/{id}/clone', method='post') def clone(self, item_id: str, dst_dataset_id: str, remote_filepath: str = None, metadata: dict = None, with_annotations: bool = True, with_metadata: bool = True, with_task_annotations_status: bool = False, allow_many: bool = False, wait: bool = True): """ Clone item. Read more about cloning datatsets and items in our `documentation <>`_ and `SDK documentation <>`_. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. :param str item_id: item to clone :param str dst_dataset_id: destination dataset id :param str remote_filepath: complete filepath :param dict metadata: new metadata to add :param bool with_annotations: clone annotations :param bool with_metadata: clone metadata :param bool with_task_annotations_status: clone task annotations status :param bool allow_many: `bool` if True, using multiple clones in single dataset is allowed, (default=False) :param bool wait: wait for the command to finish :return: Item object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.item.Item **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.clone(item_id='item_id', dst_dataset_id='dist_dataset_id', with_metadata=True, with_task_annotations_status=False, with_annotations=False) """ if metadata is None: metadata = dict() payload = {"targetDatasetId": dst_dataset_id, "remoteFileName": remote_filepath, "metadata": metadata, "cloneDatasetParams": { "withItemsAnnotations": with_annotations, "withMetadata": with_metadata, "withTaskAnnotationsStatus": with_task_annotations_status}, "allowMany": allow_many } success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", path="/items/{}/clone".format(item_id), json_req=payload) # check response if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) command = entities.Command.from_json(_json=response.json(), client_api=self._client_api) if not wait: return command command = command.wait() if 'returnedModelId' not in command.spec: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error='400', message="returnedModelId key is missing in command response: {}" .format(response)) cloned_item = self.get(item_id=command.spec['returnedModelId'][0]) return cloned_item
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/items/{id}', method='delete') def delete(self, filename: str = None, item_id: str = None, filters: entities.Filters = None): """ Delete item from platform. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. You must provide at least ONE of the following params: item id, filename, filters. :param str filename: optional - search item by remote path :param str item_id: optional - search item by id :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: optional - delete items by filter :return: True if success :rtype: bool **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.delete(item_id='item_id') """ if item_id is not None: success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="delete", path="/items/{}".format(item_id), ) elif filename is not None: if not filename.startswith("/"): filename = "/" + filename items = self.get(filepath=filename) if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] if len(items) == 0: raise exceptions.PlatformException("404", "Item not found") elif len(items) > 1: raise exceptions.PlatformException(error="404", message="More the 1 item exist by the name provided") else: item_id = items[0].id success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="delete", path="/items/{}".format(item_id)) elif filters is not None: # prepare request success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="POST", path="/datasets/{}/query".format(, json_req=filters.prepare(operation='delete')) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException("400", "Must provide item id, filename or filters") # check response if success: logger.debug("Item/s deleted successfully") return success else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response)
[docs] @_api_reference.add(path='/items/{id}', method='patch') def update(self, item: entities.Item = None, filters: entities.Filters = None, update_values=None, system_update_values=None, system_metadata: bool = False): """ Update item metadata. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. You must provide at least ONE of the following params: update_values, system_update_values. :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: Item object :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: optional update filtered items by given filter :param update_values: optional field to be updated and new values :param system_update_values: values in system metadata to be updated :param bool system_metadata: True, if you want to update the metadata system :return: Item object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.item.Item **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.update(item='item_entity') """ ref = filters is not None and (filters._ref_task or filters._ref_assignment) if system_update_values and not system_metadata: logger.warning('system metadata will not be updated because param system_metadata is False') # check params if item is None and filters is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'must provide either item or filters') value_to_update = update_values or system_update_values if item is None and not ref and not value_to_update: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide update_values or system_update_values') if item is not None and value_to_update: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Cannot provide "update_values" or "system_update_values" with a specific "item" for an individual update. ' 'These parameters are intended only for bulk updates using filters.') # update item if item is not None: json_req = miscellaneous.DictDiffer.diff(origin=item._platform_dict, modified=item.to_json()) if not json_req: return item url_path = "/items/{}".format( if system_metadata: url_path += "?system=true" success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="patch", path=url_path, json_req=json_req) if success: logger.debug("Item was updated successfully. Item id: {}".format( return self.items_entity.from_json(client_api=self._client_api, _json=response.json(), dataset=self._dataset) else: logger.error("Error while updating item") raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) # update by filters else: # prepare request prepared_filter = filters.prepare(operation='update', system_update=system_update_values, system_metadata=system_metadata, update=update_values) success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="POST", path="/datasets/{}/query".format(, json_req=prepared_filter) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) else: logger.debug("Items were updated successfully.") return response.json()
[docs] def download( self, filters: entities.Filters = None, items=None, # download options local_path: str = None, file_types: list = None, save_locally: bool = True, to_array: bool = False, annotation_options: entities.ViewAnnotationOptions = None, annotation_filters: entities.Filters = None, overwrite: bool = False, to_items_folder: bool = True, thickness: int = 1, with_text: bool = False, without_relative_path=None, avoid_unnecessary_annotation_download: bool = False, include_annotations_in_output: bool = True, export_png_files: bool = False, filter_output_annotations: bool = False, alpha: float = 1, export_version=entities.ExportVersion.V1 ): """ Download dataset items by filters. Filters the dataset for items and saves them locally. Optional -- download annotation, mask, instance, and image mask of the item. **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :param List[dtlpy.entities.item.Item] or dtlpy.entities.item.Item items: download Item entity or item_id (or a list of item) :param str local_path: local folder or filename to save to. :param list file_types: a list of file type to download. e.g ['video/webm', 'video/mp4', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'] :param bool save_locally: bool. save to disk or return a buffer :param bool to_array: returns Ndarray when True and local_path = False :param list annotation_options: download annotations options: list(dl.ViewAnnotationOptions) :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters annotation_filters: Filters entity to filter annotations for download :param bool overwrite: optional - default = False :param bool to_items_folder: Create 'items' folder and download items to it :param int thickness: optional - line thickness, if -1 annotation will be filled, default =1 :param bool with_text: optional - add text to annotations, default = False :param bool without_relative_path: bool - download items without the relative path from platform :param bool avoid_unnecessary_annotation_download: default - False :param bool include_annotations_in_output: default - False , if export should contain annotations :param bool export_png_files: default - if True, semantic annotations should be exported as png files :param bool filter_output_annotations: default - False, given an export by filter - determine if to filter out annotations :param float alpha: opacity value [0 1], default 1 :param str export_version: exported items will have original extension in filename, `V1` - no original extension in filenames :return: generator of local_path per each downloaded item :rtype: generator or single item **Example**: .. code-block:: python'local_path', annotation_options=dl.ViewAnnotationOptions, overwrite=False, thickness=1, with_text=False, alpha=1, save_locally=True ) """ downloader = repositories.Downloader(self) return filters=filters, items=items, local_path=local_path, file_types=file_types, save_locally=save_locally, to_array=to_array, annotation_options=annotation_options, annotation_filters=annotation_filters, overwrite=overwrite, to_items_folder=to_items_folder, thickness=thickness, alpha=alpha, with_text=with_text, without_relative_path=without_relative_path, avoid_unnecessary_annotation_download=avoid_unnecessary_annotation_download, include_annotations_in_output=include_annotations_in_output, export_png_files=export_png_files, filter_output_annotations=filter_output_annotations, export_version=export_version )
[docs] def upload( self, # what to upload local_path: str, local_annotations_path: str = None, # upload options remote_path: str = "/", remote_name: str = None, file_types: list = None, overwrite: bool = False, item_metadata: dict = None, output_entity=entities.Item, no_output: bool = False, export_version: str = entities.ExportVersion.V1, item_description: str = None ): """ Upload local file to dataset. Local filesystem will remain unchanged. If "*" at the end of local_path (e.g. "/images/*") items will be uploaded without the head directory. **Prerequisites**: Any user can upload items. :param str local_path: list of local file, local folder, BufferIO, numpy.ndarray or url to upload :param str local_annotations_path: path to dataloop format annotations json files. :param str remote_path: remote path to save. :param str remote_name: remote base name to save. when upload numpy.ndarray as local path, remote_name with .jpg or .png ext is mandatory :param list file_types: list of file type to upload. e.g ['.jpg', '.png']. default is all :param dict item_metadata: metadata dict to upload to item or ExportMetadata option to export metadata from annotation file :param bool overwrite: optional - default = False :param output_entity: output type :param bool no_output: do not return the items after upload :param str export_version: exported items will have original extension in filename, `V1` - no original extension in filenames :param str item_description: add a string description to the uploaded item :return: Output (generator/single item) :rtype: generator or single item **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.upload(local_path='local_path', local_annotations_path='local_annotations_path', overwrite=True, item_metadata={'Hellow': 'Word'} ) """ # initiate and use uploader uploader = repositories.Uploader(items_repository=self, output_entity=output_entity, no_output=no_output) return uploader.upload( local_path=local_path, local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, # upload options remote_path=remote_path, remote_name=remote_name, file_types=file_types, # config overwrite=overwrite, # metadata to upload with items item_metadata=item_metadata, export_version=export_version, item_description=item_description )
@property def platform_url(self): return self._client_api._get_resource_url( "projects/{}/datasets/{}/items".format(,
[docs] def open_in_web(self, filepath=None, item_id=None, item=None): """ Open the item in web platform **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or be an *annotation manager*/*annotator* with access to that item through task. :param str filepath: item file path :param str item_id: item id :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.open_in_web(item_id='item_id') """ if filepath is not None: item = self.get(filepath=filepath) if item is not None: item.open_in_web() elif item_id is not None: self._client_api._open_in_web(url=self.platform_url + '/' + str(item_id)) else: self._client_api._open_in_web(url=self.platform_url)
[docs] def update_status(self, status: entities.ItemStatus, items=None, item_ids=None, filters=None, dataset=None, clear=False): """ Update item status in task **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer* or *annotation manager* who has been assigned a task with the item. You must provide at least ONE of the following params: items, item_ids, filters. :param str status: ItemStatus.COMPLETED, ItemStatus.APPROVED, ItemStatus.DISCARDED :param list items: list of items :param list item_ids: list of items id :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filters parameters :param dtlpy.entities.dataset.Dataset dataset: dataset object :param bool clear: to delete status **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.update_status(item_ids='item_id', status=dl.ItemStatus.COMPLETED) """ if items is None and item_ids is None and filters is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either items, item_ids or filters') if self._dataset is None and dataset is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please provide dataset') elif dataset is None: dataset = self._dataset if filters is not None: items = dataset.items.list(filters=filters) item_count = items.items_count elif items is not None: if isinstance(items, entities.PagedEntities): item_count = items.items_count else: if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] item_count = len(items) items = [items] else: if not isinstance(item_ids, list): item_ids = [item_ids] item_count = len(item_ids) items = [[dataset.items.get(item_id=item_id, fetch=False) for item_id in item_ids]] pool = self._client_api.thread_pools(pool_name='item.status_update') jobs = [None for _ in range(item_count)] # call multiprocess wrapper to run service on each item in list for page in items: for i_item, item in enumerate(page): jobs[i_item] = pool.submit(item.update_status, **{'status': status, 'clear': clear}) # get all results results = [j.result() for j in jobs] out_success = [r for r in results if r is True] out_errors = [r for r in results if r is False] if len(out_errors) == 0: logger.debug('Item/s updated successfully. {}/{}'.format(len(out_success), len(results))) else: logger.error(out_errors) logger.error('Item/s updated with {} errors'.format(len(out_errors)))
[docs] def make_dir(self, directory, dataset: entities.Dataset = None) -> entities.Item: """ Create a directory in a dataset. **Prerequisites**: All users. :param str directory: name of directory :param dtlpy.entities.dataset.Dataset dataset: dataset object :return: Item object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.item.Item **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.make_dir(directory='directory_name') """ if self._dataset_id is None and dataset is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please provide parameter dataset') payload = { 'type': 'dir', 'path': directory } headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="post", headers=headers, path="/datasets/{}/items".format(self._dataset_id), data=payload) if success: item = self.items_entity.from_json(client_api=self._client_api, _json=response.json(), dataset=self._dataset) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return item
[docs] def move_items(self, destination: str, filters: entities.Filters = None, items=None, dataset: entities.Dataset = None ) -> bool: """ Move items to another directory. If directory does not exist we will create it **Prerequisites**: You must be in the role of an *owner* or *developer*. :param str destination: destination directory :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: optional - either this or items. Query of items to move :param items: optional - either this or filters. A list of items to move :param dtlpy.entities.dataset.Dataset dataset: dataset object :return: True if success :rtype: bool **Example**: .. code-block:: python dataset.items.move_items(destination='directory_name') """ if filters is None and items is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Must provide either filters or items') dest_dir_filter = entities.Filters(resource=entities.FiltersResource.ITEM, field='type', values='dir') dest_dir_filter.recursive = False dest_dir_filter.add(field='filename', values=destination) dirs_page = self.list(filters=dest_dir_filter) if dirs_page.items_count == 0: directory = self.make_dir(directory=destination, dataset=dataset) elif dirs_page.items_count == 1: directory = dirs_page.items[0] else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('404', 'More than one directory by the name of: {}'.format(destination)) if filters is not None: items = self.list(filters=filters) elif isinstance(items, list): items = [items] elif not isinstance(items, entities.PagedEntities): raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'items must be a list of items or a pages entity not {}'.format( type(items))) item_ids = list() for page in items: for item in page: item_ids.append( success, response = self._client_api.gen_request(req_type="put", path="/datasets/{}/items/{}".format(self._dataset_id,, json_req=item_ids) if not success: raise exceptions.PlatformException(response) return success