Source code for dtlpy.utilities.converter

import sys

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from multiprocessing import Lock
from .base_package_runner import Progress
from .. import exceptions, entities
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Et
from import Reporter
from itertools import groupby
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import mimetypes
import traceback
import logging
import json
import copy
import tqdm
import os

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')

class AnnotationFormat:
    YOLO = 'yolo'
    COCO = 'coco'
    VOC = 'voc'
    DATALOOP = 'dataloop'

class COCOUtils:

    def binary_mask_to_rle_encode(binary_mask):
            import pycocotools.mask as coco_utils_mask
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            raise Exception('To use this functionality please install pycocotools:  "pip install pycocotools"')
        fortran_ground_truth_binary_mask = np.asfortranarray(binary_mask.astype(np.uint8))
        encoded_ground_truth = coco_utils_mask.encode(fortran_ground_truth_binary_mask)
        encoded_ground_truth['counts'] = encoded_ground_truth['counts'].decode()
        return encoded_ground_truth

    def binary_mask_to_rle(binary_mask, height, width):
        rle = {'counts': [], 'size': [height, width]}
        counts = rle.get('counts')
        for i, (value, elements) in enumerate(groupby(binary_mask.ravel(order='F'))):
            if i == 0 and value == 1:
        return rle

    def polygon_to_rle(geo, height, width):
        segmentation = [float(n) for n in geo.flatten()]
        area = np.sum(entities.Segmentation.from_polygon(geo=geo, label=None, shape=(height, width)).geo > 0)
        return [segmentation], int(area)

    def rle_to_binary_mask(rle):
        rows, cols = rle['size']
        rle_numbers = rle['counts']
        if isinstance(rle_numbers, list):
            if len(rle_numbers) % 2 != 0:

            rle_pairs = np.array(rle_numbers).reshape(-1, 2)
            img = np.zeros(rows * cols, dtype=np.uint8)
            index = 0
            for i, length in rle_pairs:
                index += i
                img[index:index + length] = 1
                index += length
            img = img.reshape(cols, rows)
            return img.T
                import pycocotools.mask as coco_utils_mask
            except ModuleNotFoundError:
                raise Exception('To use this functionality please install pycocotools:  "pip install pycocotools"')
            img = coco_utils_mask.decode(rle)
            return img

    def rle_to_binary_polygon(segmentation):
        return [segmentation[x:x + 2] for x in range(0, len(segmentation), 2)]

[docs]class Converter: """ Annotation Converter """ def __init__(self, concurrency=6, return_error_filepath=False): self.known_formats = [AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP] self.converter_dict = { AnnotationFormat.YOLO: {"from": self.from_yolo, "to": self.to_yolo}, AnnotationFormat.COCO: {"from": self.from_coco, "to": self.to_coco}, AnnotationFormat.VOC: {"from": self.from_voc, "to": self.to_voc}, } self.dataset = None self.save_to_format = None self.xml_template_path = 'voc_annotation_template.xml' self.labels = dict() self._only_bbox = False self._progress = None self._progress_update_frequency = 5 self._update_agent_progress = False self._progress_checkpoint = 0 self._checkpoint_lock = Lock() self.remote_items = None self.concurrency = concurrency self.return_error_filepath = return_error_filepath
[docs] def attach_agent_progress(self, progress: Progress, progress_update_frequency: int = None): """ Attach agent progress. :param Progress progress: the progress object that follows the work :param int progress_update_frequency: progress update frequency in percentages """ self._progress = progress self._progress_update_frequency = progress_update_frequency if progress_update_frequency is not None \ else self._progress_update_frequency self._update_agent_progress = True
@property def _update_progress_active(self): return self._progress is not None and self._update_agent_progress and isinstance( self._progress_update_frequency, int) def __update_progress(self, total, of_total): if self._update_progress_active: try: progress = int((of_total / total) * 100) if progress > self._progress_checkpoint and (progress % self._progress_update_frequency == 0): self._progress.update(progress=progress) with self._checkpoint_lock: self._progress_checkpoint = progress except Exception: logger.warning('[Converter] Failed to update agent progress.') def _get_labels(self): self.labels = dict() if self.dataset: labels = list(self.dataset.instance_map.keys()) labels.sort() self.labels = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(labels)}
[docs] def convert_dataset( self, dataset, to_format: str, local_path: str, conversion_func=None, filters=None, annotation_filter=None ): """ Convert entire dataset. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param dtlpy.entities.dataet.Dataset dataset: dataset entity :param str to_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param str local_path: path to save the result to :param Callable conversion_func: Custom conversion service :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filter parameters :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters annotation_filter: Filter entity :return: the error log file path if there are errors and the coco json if the format is coco """ if to_format.lower() == AnnotationFormat.COCO: coco_json, has_errors, log_filepath = self.__convert_dataset_to_coco( dataset=dataset, local_path=local_path, filters=filters, annotation_filter=annotation_filter ) if self.return_error_filepath: return coco_json, has_errors, log_filepath else: return coco_json assert isinstance(dataset, entities.Dataset) self.dataset = dataset # download annotations if annotation_filter is None:'Downloading annotations...') dataset.download_annotations(local_path=local_path, overwrite=True, filters=filters)'Annotations downloaded') local_annotations_path = os.path.join(local_path, "json") output_annotations_path = os.path.join(local_path, to_format) pool = ThreadPool(processes=self.concurrency) i_item = 0 pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters) # if yolo - create labels file if to_format == AnnotationFormat.YOLO: self._get_labels() with open('{}/{}.names'.format(local_path,, 'w') as fp: labels = list(self.labels.keys()) labels.sort() for label in labels: fp.write("{}\n".format(label)) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=pages.items_count, disable=dataset._client_api.verbose.disable_progress_bar, file=sys.stdout, desc='Convert Annotations') reporter = Reporter( num_workers=pages.items_count, resource=Reporter.CONVERTER, print_error_logs=self.dataset._client_api.verbose.print_error_logs, client_api=self.dataset._client_api ) for page in pages: for item in page: # create input annotations json in_filepath = os.path.join(local_annotations_path, item.filename[1:]) name, ext = os.path.splitext(in_filepath) in_filepath = name + '.json' save_to = os.path.dirname(in_filepath.replace(local_annotations_path, output_annotations_path)) if not os.path.isdir(save_to): os.makedirs(save_to, exist_ok=True) pool.apply_async( func=self.__save_filtered_annotations_and_convert, kwds={ "to_format": to_format, "from_format": AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP, "file_path": in_filepath, "save_locally": True, "save_to": save_to, 'conversion_func': conversion_func, 'item': item, 'pbar': pbar, 'filters': annotation_filter, 'reporter': reporter, 'i_item': i_item } ) i_item += 1 pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() log_filepath = None if reporter.has_errors: log_filepath = reporter.generate_log_files() if log_filepath is not None: logger.warning( 'Converted with some errors. Please see log in {} for more information.'.format(log_filepath))'Total converted: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('success')))'Total skipped: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('skip')))'Total failed: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('failed'))) if self.return_error_filepath: return reporter.has_errors, log_filepath
def __save_filtered_annotations_and_convert(self, item: entities.Item, filters, to_format, from_format, file_path, save_locally=False, save_to=None, conversion_func=None, pbar=None, **kwargs): reporter = kwargs.get('reporter', None) i_item = kwargs.get('i_item', None) try: if item.annotated and item.type != 'dir': if filters is not None: assert filters.resource == entities.FiltersResource.ANNOTATION copy_filters = copy.deepcopy(filters) copy_filters.add(field='itemId',, method='and') annotations_page = item.dataset.items.list(filters=copy_filters) annotations = item.annotations.builder() for page in annotations_page: for annotation in page: annotations.annotations.append(annotation) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(file_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path)) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(annotations.to_json(), f, indent=2) annotations_list, errors = self.convert_file( item=item, to_format=to_format, from_format=from_format, file_path=file_path, save_locally=save_locally, save_to=save_to, conversion_func=conversion_func, pbar=pbar ) if errors: raise Exception('Partial conversion: \n{}'.format(errors)) if reporter is not None and i_item is not None: reporter.set_index(status='success', success=True, else: if reporter is not None and i_item is not None: reporter.set_index(, status='skip', success=True) if reporter is not None: self.__update_progress(total=reporter.num_workers, of_total=i_item) except Exception: if reporter is not None and i_item is not None: reporter.set_index(status='failed', success=False, error=traceback.format_exc(), @staticmethod def __gen_coco_categories(instance_map, recipe): categories = list() last_id = 0 for label, label_id in instance_map.items(): label_name, sup = label.split('.')[-1], '.'.join(label.split('.')[0:-1]) category = {'id': label_id, 'name': label_name} last_id = max(last_id, label_id) if sup: category['supercategory'] = sup categories.append(category) # add keypoint category collection_templates = list() if 'system' in recipe.metadata and 'collectionTemplates' in recipe.metadata['system']: collection_templates = recipe.metadata['system']['collectionTemplates'] for template in collection_templates: last_id += 1 order_dict = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(template['order'])} skeleton = list() for pair in template['arcs']: skeleton.append([order_dict[pair[0]], order_dict[pair[1]]]) category = {'id': last_id, 'name': template['name'], 'templateId': template['id'], 'keypoints': template['order'], 'skeleton': skeleton} instance_map[template['name']] = last_id categories.append(category) return categories def __convert_dataset_to_coco(self, dataset: entities.Dataset, local_path, filters=None, annotation_filter=None): pages = dataset.items.list(filters=filters) dataset.download_annotations(local_path=local_path, filters=filters, annotation_filters=annotation_filter) path_to_dataloop_annotations_dir = os.path.join(local_path, 'json') label_to_id = dataset.instance_map recipe = dataset._get_recipe() categories = self.__gen_coco_categories(instance_map=label_to_id, recipe=recipe) images = [None for _ in range(pages.items_count)] converted_annotations = [None for _ in range(pages.items_count)] item_id_counter = 0 pool = ThreadPool(processes=self.concurrency) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=pages.items_count, disable=dataset._client_api.verbose.disable_progress_bar, file=sys.stdout, desc='Convert Annotations') reporter = Reporter( num_workers=pages.items_count, resource=Reporter.CONVERTER, print_error_logs=dataset._client_api.verbose.print_error_logs, client_api=dataset._client_api ) for page in pages: for item in page: pool.apply_async(func=self.__single_item_to_coco, kwds={ 'item': item, 'images': images, 'path_to_dataloop_annotations_dir': path_to_dataloop_annotations_dir, 'item_id': item_id_counter, 'reporter': reporter, 'converted_annotations': converted_annotations, 'annotation_filter': annotation_filter, 'label_to_id': label_to_id, 'categories': categories, 'pbar': pbar }) item_id_counter += 1 pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() total_converted_annotations = list() for ls in converted_annotations: if ls is not None: total_converted_annotations += ls for i_ann, ann in enumerate(total_converted_annotations): ann['id'] = i_ann info = { 'description': } coco_json = {'images': [image for image in images if image is not None], 'info': info, 'annotations': total_converted_annotations, 'categories': categories} with open(os.path.join(local_path, 'coco.json'), 'w+') as f: json.dump(coco_json, f) log_filepath = None if reporter.has_errors: log_filepath = reporter.generate_log_files() if log_filepath is not None: logger.warning( 'Converted with some errors. Please see log in {} for more information.'.format(log_filepath))'Total converted: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('success')))'Total failed: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('failed'))) return coco_json, reporter.has_errors, log_filepath @staticmethod def __get_item_shape(item: entities.Item = None, local_path: str = None): if isinstance(item, entities.Item) and (item.width is None or item.height is None): try: img = if local_path is None else item.height = img.height item.width = img.width except Exception: pass return item def __add_item_converted_annotation(self, item, annotation, label_to_id, item_id, i_annotation, item_converted_annotations): try: ann = self.to_coco(annotation=annotation, item=item) ann['category_id'] = label_to_id[annotation.label] ann['image_id'] = item_id ann['id'] = int('{}{}'.format(item_id, i_annotation)) item_converted_annotations.append(ann) except Exception: err = 'Error converting annotation: \n' \ 'Item: {}, annotation: {} - ' \ 'fail to convert some of the annotation\n{}'.format(item_id,, traceback.format_exc()) item_converted_annotations.append(err) def __coco_handle_pose_annotations(self, item, item_id, pose_annotations, point_annotations, categories, label_to_id, item_converted_annotations): # link points to pose and convert it for pose in pose_annotations: pose_idx = pose[1] pose = pose[0] pose_category = None for category in categories: if pose.coordinates.get('templateId', "") == category.get('templateId', None): pose_category = category continue if pose_category is None: err = 'Error converting annotation: \n' \ 'Item: {}, annotation: {} - ' \ 'Pose annotation without known template\n{}'.format(item_id,, traceback.format_exc()) item_converted_annotations.append(err) continue if not in point_annotations or ( in point_annotations and len(point_annotations[]) != len(pose_category['keypoints'])): err = 'Error converting annotation: \n' \ 'Item: {}, annotation: {} - ' \ 'Pose annotation has {} children ' \ 'while it template has {} points\n{}'.format(item_id,, len(point_annotations[]), len(pose_category['keypoints']), traceback.format_exc()) item_converted_annotations.append(err) continue # verify points labels are unique if len(point_annotations[]) != len(set([ann.label for ann in point_annotations[]])): err = 'Error converting annotation: \n' \ 'Item: {}, annotation: {} - Pose annotation ' \ 'does not have unique children points\n{}'.format(item_id,, traceback.format_exc()) item_converted_annotations.append(err) continue ordered_points = list() for pose_point in pose_category['keypoints']: for point_annotation in point_annotations[]: if point_annotation.label == pose_point: ordered_points.append(point_annotation) break pose.annotation_definition.points = ordered_points self.__add_item_converted_annotation(item=item, annotation=pose, label_to_id=label_to_id, item_id=item_id, i_annotation=pose_idx, item_converted_annotations=item_converted_annotations) def __single_item_to_coco(self, item: entities.Item, images, path_to_dataloop_annotations_dir, item_id, converted_annotations, annotation_filter, label_to_id, reporter, categories, pbar=None): try: if item.type != 'dir': item = Converter.__get_item_shape(item=item) filepath = item.filename[1:] if item.filename.startswith('/') else item.filename images[item_id] = {'file_name': os.path.normpath(filepath), 'id': item_id, 'width': item.width, 'height': item.height } if annotation_filter is None: try: filename, ext = os.path.splitext(item.filename) filename = '{}.json'.format(filename[1:]) with open(os.path.join(path_to_dataloop_annotations_dir, filename), 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: annotations = json.load(f)['annotations'] annotations = entities.AnnotationCollection.from_json(annotations) except Exception: annotations = item.annotations.list() else: copy_filters = copy.deepcopy(annotation_filter) copy_filters.add(field='itemId',, method='and') annotations_page = item.dataset.items.list(filters=copy_filters) annotations = item.annotations.builder() for page in annotations_page: for annotation in page: annotations.annotations.append(annotation) item_converted_annotations = list() point_annotations = dict() pose_annotations = list() for i_annotation, annotation in enumerate(annotations.annotations): if annotation.type == 'point' and annotation.parent_id is not None: if annotation.parent_id not in point_annotations: point_annotations[annotation.parent_id] = list() point_annotations[annotation.parent_id].append(annotation) continue if annotation.type == 'pose': pose_annotations.append([annotation, i_annotation]) continue self.__add_item_converted_annotation(item=item, annotation=annotation, label_to_id=label_to_id, item_id=item_id, i_annotation=i_annotation, item_converted_annotations=item_converted_annotations) self.__coco_handle_pose_annotations(item=item, item_id=item_id, pose_annotations=pose_annotations, point_annotations=point_annotations, categories=categories, label_to_id=label_to_id, item_converted_annotations=item_converted_annotations) success, errors = self._sort_annotations(annotations=item_converted_annotations) converted_annotations[item_id] = success if errors: reporter.set_index(, status='failed', success=False, error=errors) else: reporter.set_index(, status='success', success=True) except Exception: reporter.set_index(, status='failed', success=False, error=traceback.format_exc()) raise if pbar is not None: pbar.update() if reporter is not None: self.__update_progress(total=reporter.num_workers, of_total=item_id) def _upload_coco_labels(self, coco_json): labels = coco_json.get('categories', None) upload_labels = dict() for label in labels: if 'supercategory' in label and label['supercategory'] is not None: if label['supercategory'] not in upload_labels: upload_labels[label['supercategory']] = entities.Label(tag=label['supercategory']) upload_labels[label['supercategory']].children.append(entities.Label(tag=label['name'])) tag = '{}.{}'.format(label['supercategory'], label['name']) else: tag = label['name'] upload_labels[label['name']] = entities.Label(tag=tag) self.labels[tag] = label['id'] return upload_labels def _upload_coco_dataset(self, local_items_path, local_annotations_path, only_bbox=False, remote_items=False):'loading annotations json...') with open(local_annotations_path, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f: coco_json = json.load(f) labels_tags_tree = self._upload_coco_labels(coco_json=coco_json) try:'Uploading labels to dataset') self.dataset.add_labels(list(labels_tags_tree.values())) except Exception: logger.warning('Failed to upload labels to dataset, please add manually') image_annotations = dict() image_name_id = dict() for image in coco_json['images']: image_metadata = image image_annotations[image['file_name']] = { 'id': image['id'], 'metadata': image_metadata, 'annotations': list() } image_name_id[image['id']] = image['file_name'] for ann in coco_json['annotations']: image_annotations[image_name_id[ann['image_id']]]['annotations'].append(ann) if remote_items: return self._upload_annotations(local_annotations_path=image_annotations, from_format=AnnotationFormat.COCO, only_bbox=only_bbox) else: return self._upload_directory(local_items_path=local_items_path, local_annotations_path=image_annotations, from_format=AnnotationFormat.COCO, only_bbox=only_bbox) def _read_labels(self, labels_file_path): if labels_file_path: with open(labels_file_path, 'r') as fp: labels = [line.strip() for line in fp.readlines()] self.dataset.add_labels(label_list=labels) self.labels = {label: i_label for i_label, label in enumerate(labels)} else: logger.warning('No labels file path provided (.names), skipping labels upload') self._get_labels() def _upload_yolo_dataset(self, local_items_path, local_annotations_path, labels_file_path, remote_items=False): self._read_labels(labels_file_path=labels_file_path) if remote_items: return self._upload_annotations(local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, from_format=AnnotationFormat.YOLO) else: return self._upload_directory(local_items_path=local_items_path, local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, from_format=AnnotationFormat.YOLO) def _upload_voc_dataset(self, local_items_path, local_annotations_path, remote_items=False, **_): # TODO - implement VOC annotations upload logger.warning('labels upload from VOC dataset is not implemented, please upload labels manually') if remote_items: return self._upload_annotations(local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, from_format=AnnotationFormat.VOC) else: return self._upload_directory(local_items_path=local_items_path, local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, from_format=AnnotationFormat.VOC) @staticmethod def _find_yolo_voc_item_annotations(local_annotations_path: str, item: entities.Item, from_format: str): found = False metadata = None extension = '.txt' if from_format == AnnotationFormat.YOLO else '.xml' filename, _ = os.path.splitext(item.filename) annotations_filepath = os.path.join(local_annotations_path, filename[1:] + extension) if os.path.isfile(annotations_filepath): found = True return found, annotations_filepath, metadata @staticmethod def _find_coco_item_annotations(local_annotations_path: dict, item: entities.Item): found = False ann_dict = None filename = item.filename[1:] if item.filename.startswith('/') else item.filename filename = os.path.normpath(filename) if filename in local_annotations_path: ann_dict = local_annotations_path[filename] found = True elif in local_annotations_path: ann_dict = local_annotations_path[] found = True metadata = ann_dict.get('metadata', None) if found else None return found, ann_dict, metadata def _upload_annotations(self, local_annotations_path, from_format, **kwargs): self._only_bbox = kwargs.get('only_bbox', False) file_count = self.remote_items.items_count reporter = Reporter( num_workers=file_count, resource=Reporter.CONVERTER, print_error_logs=self.dataset._client_api.verbose.print_error_logs, client_api=self.dataset._client_api ) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=file_count, desc='Upload Annotations') pool = ThreadPool(processes=self.concurrency) i_item = 0 for page in self.remote_items: for item in page: if from_format == AnnotationFormat.COCO: found, ann_filepath, metadata = self._find_coco_item_annotations( local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, item=item ) elif from_format in [AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC]: found, ann_filepath, metadata = self._find_yolo_voc_item_annotations( local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, item=item, from_format=from_format ) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Unknown annotation format: {}'.format(from_format)) if not found: pbar.update() reporter.set_index(ref=item.filename, status='skip', success=False, error='Cannot find annotations for item') i_item += 1 continue pool.apply_async( func=self._upload_item_and_convert, kwds={ "from_format": from_format, "item_path": item, "ann_path": ann_filepath, 'conversion_func': None, "reporter": reporter, 'i_item': i_item, 'pbar': pbar, 'metadata': metadata } ) i_item += 1 pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() log_filepath = None if reporter.has_errors: log_filepath = reporter.generate_log_files() if log_filepath is not None: logger.warning( 'Converted with some errors. Please see log in {} for more information.'.format(log_filepath))'Total converted and uploaded: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('success')))'Total failed: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('failed'))) if self.return_error_filepath: return reporter.has_errors, log_filepath def _upload_directory(self, local_items_path, local_annotations_path, from_format, conversion_func=None, **kwargs): """ Convert annotation files in entire directory. :param local_items_path: :param local_annotations_path: :param from_format: :param conversion_func: :return: """ self._only_bbox = kwargs.get('only_bbox', False) file_count = sum(len([file for file in files if not file.endswith('.xml')]) for _, _, files in os.walk(local_items_path)) reporter = Reporter( num_workers=file_count, resource=Reporter.CONVERTER, print_error_logs=self.dataset._client_api.verbose.print_error_logs, client_api=self.dataset._client_api ) pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=file_count, desc='Upload Annotations') pool = ThreadPool(processes=self.concurrency) i_item = 0 metadata = None for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(local_items_path): for name in files: ann_filepath = None if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, name)): continue item_filepath = os.path.join(path, name) prefix = os.path.relpath(path, local_items_path) coco_name = name if prefix != '.': coco_name = os.path.join(prefix, name) else: prefix = None if from_format == AnnotationFormat.COCO: ann_filepath = local_annotations_path[coco_name] metadata = {'user': local_annotations_path[coco_name]['metadata']} elif from_format == AnnotationFormat.VOC: if name.endswith('.xml'): continue else: ext = os.path.splitext(name)[-1] try: m = mimetypes.types_map[ext.lower()] except Exception: m = '' if ext == '' or ext is None or 'image' not in m: continue ann_filepath = os.path.join(path, '.'.join(name.split('.')[0:-1] + ['xml'])).replace( local_items_path, local_annotations_path) elif from_format == AnnotationFormat.YOLO: ann_filepath = os.path.join(path, os.path.splitext(name)[0]) + '.txt' ann_filepath = ann_filepath.replace(local_items_path, local_annotations_path) pool.apply_async( func=self._upload_item_and_convert, kwds={ "from_format": from_format, "item_path": item_filepath, "ann_path": ann_filepath, 'conversion_func': conversion_func, "reporter": reporter, 'i_item': i_item, 'pbar': pbar, 'metadata': metadata, 'remote_path': prefix } ) i_item += 1 pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() log_filepath = None if reporter.has_errors: log_filepath = reporter.generate_log_files() if log_filepath is not None: logger.warning( 'Converted with some errors. Please see log in {} for more information.'.format(log_filepath))'Total converted and uploaded: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('success')))'Total failed: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('failed'))) if self.return_error_filepath: return reporter.has_errors, log_filepath def _upload_item_and_convert(self, item_path, ann_path, from_format, conversion_func=None, **kwargs): reporter = kwargs.get('reporter', None) i_item = kwargs.get('i_item', None) pbar = kwargs.get('pbar', None) metadata = kwargs.get('metadata', None) remote_path = kwargs.get('remote_path', None) report_ref = item_path try: if isinstance(item_path, entities.Item): item = item_path report_ref = item.filename else: item = self.dataset.items.upload(local_path=item_path, item_metadata=metadata, remote_path=remote_path) report_ref = item.filename if from_format == AnnotationFormat.YOLO: item = Converter.__get_item_shape(item=item, local_path=item_path) annotations_list, errors = self.convert_file(to_format=AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP, from_format=from_format, item=item, file_path=ann_path, save_locally=False, conversion_func=conversion_func, upload=True, pbar=pbar) if errors: if reporter is not None and i_item is not None: reporter.set_index(ref=report_ref, status='warning', success=False, error='partial annotations upload: \n{}'.format(errors)) else: if reporter is not None and i_item is not None: reporter.set_index(status='success', success=True, ref=report_ref) if reporter is not None: self.__update_progress(total=reporter.num_workers, of_total=i_item) except Exception: if reporter is not None and i_item is not None: reporter.set_index(status='failed', success=False, error=traceback.format_exc(), ref=report_ref)
[docs] def upload_local_dataset(self, from_format: AnnotationFormat, dataset, local_items_path: str = None, local_labels_path: str = None, local_annotations_path: str = None, only_bbox: bool = False, filters=None, remote_items=None ): """ Convert and upload local dataset to dataloop platform. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param str from_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param dtlpy.entities.dataset.Dataset dataset: dataset entity :param str local_items_path: path to items to upload :param str local_annotations_path: path to annotations to upload :param str local_labels_path: path to labels to upload :param bool only_bbox: only for coco datasets, if True upload only bbox :param dtlpy.entities.filters.Filters filters: Filters entity or a dictionary containing filter parameters :param list remote_items: list of the items to upload :return: the error log file path if there are errors """ if remote_items is None: remote_items = local_items_path is None if remote_items:'Getting remote items...') self.remote_items = dataset.items.list(filters=filters) self.dataset = dataset if from_format.lower() == AnnotationFormat.COCO: return self._upload_coco_dataset( local_items_path=local_items_path, local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, only_bbox=only_bbox, remote_items=remote_items ) if from_format.lower() == AnnotationFormat.YOLO: return self._upload_yolo_dataset( local_items_path=local_items_path, local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, labels_file_path=local_labels_path, remote_items=remote_items ) if from_format.lower() == AnnotationFormat.VOC: return self._upload_voc_dataset( local_items_path=local_items_path, local_annotations_path=local_annotations_path, labels_file_path=local_labels_path, remote_items=remote_items )
[docs] def convert_directory(self, local_path: str, to_format: AnnotationFormat, from_format: AnnotationFormat, dataset, conversion_func=None): """ Convert annotation files in entire directory. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param str local_path: path to the directory :param str to_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param str from_format: AnnotationFormat to convert from – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param dtlpy.entities.dataset.Dataset dataset: dataset entity :param Callable conversion_func: Custom conversion service :return: the error log file path if there are errors """ file_count = sum(len(files) for _, _, files in os.walk(local_path)) self.dataset = dataset reporter = Reporter( num_workers=file_count, resource=Reporter.CONVERTER, print_error_logs=self.dataset._client_api.verbose.print_error_logs, client_api=self.dataset._client_api ) pool = ThreadPool(processes=self.concurrency) i_item = 0 for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(local_path): for name in files: save_to = os.path.join(os.path.split(local_path)[0], to_format) save_to = path.replace(local_path, save_to) os.makedirs(save_to, exist_ok=True) file_path = os.path.join(path, name) pool.apply_async( func=self._convert_and_report, kwds={ "to_format": to_format, "from_format": from_format, "file_path": file_path, "save_locally": True, "save_to": save_to, 'conversion_func': conversion_func, 'reporter': reporter, 'i_item': i_item } ) i_item += 1 pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() log_filepath = None if reporter.has_errors: log_filepath = reporter.generate_log_files() if log_filepath is not None: logger.warning( 'Converted with some errors. Please see log in {} for more information.'.format(log_filepath))'Total converted and uploaded: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('success')))'Total failed: {}'.format(reporter.status_count('failed'))) if self.return_error_filepath: return reporter.has_errors, log_filepath
def _convert_and_report(self, to_format, from_format, file_path, save_locally, save_to, conversion_func, reporter, i_item): try: annotations_list, errors = self.convert_file( to_format=to_format, from_format=from_format, file_path=file_path, save_locally=save_locally, save_to=save_to, conversion_func=conversion_func ) if errors: reporter.set_index(ref=file_path, status='warning', success=False, error='partial annotations upload') else: reporter.set_index(ref=file_path, status='success', success=True) except Exception: reporter.set_index(ref=file_path, status='failed', success=False, error=traceback.format_exc()) raise @staticmethod def _extract_annotations_from_file(file_path, from_format, item): item_id = None annotations = None if isinstance(file_path, dict): annotations = file_path['annotations'] elif isinstance(file_path, str) and os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, "r") as f: if file_path.endswith(".json"): annotations = json.load(f) if from_format.lower() == AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP: if item is None: item_id = annotations.get('_id', annotations.get('id', None)) annotations = annotations["annotations"] elif from_format.lower() == AnnotationFormat.YOLO: annotations = [[float(param.replace('\n', '')) for param in line.strip().split(' ')] for line in f.readlines()] elif file_path.endswith(".xml"): annotations = Et.parse(f) annotations = [e for e in annotations.iter('object')] else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown file format: {}'.format(file_path)) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown file_path: {}'.format(file_path)) return item_id, annotations
[docs] def convert_file(self, to_format: str, from_format: str, file_path: str, save_locally: bool = False, save_to: str = None, conversion_func=None, item=None, pbar=None, upload: bool = False, **_): """ Convert file containing annotations. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param str to_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param str from_format: AnnotationFormat to convert from – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param str file_path: path of the file to convert :param tqdm pbar: tqdm object that follows the work (progress bar) :param bool upload: if True upload :param bool save_locally: If True, save locally :param str save_to: path to save the result to :param Callable conversion_func: Custom conversion service :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity :return: annotation list, errors """ item_id, annotations = self._extract_annotations_from_file( from_format=from_format, file_path=file_path, item=item ) converted_annotations = self.convert( to_format=to_format, from_format=from_format, annotations=annotations, conversion_func=conversion_func, item=item ) annotations_list, errors = self._sort_annotations(annotations=converted_annotations) if annotations_list: if save_locally: if item_id is not None: item = self.dataset.items.get(item_id=item_id) filename = os.path.split(file_path)[-1] filename_no_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] save_to = os.path.join(save_to, filename_no_ext) self.save_to_file(save_to=save_to, to_format=to_format, annotations=annotations_list, item=item) elif upload and to_format == AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP: item.annotations.upload(annotations=annotations_list) if pbar is not None: pbar.update() return annotations_list, errors
@staticmethod def _sort_annotations(annotations): errors = list() success = list() for ann in annotations: if isinstance(ann, str) and 'Error converting annotation' in ann: errors.append(ann) else: success.append(ann) return success, errors
[docs] def save_to_file(self, save_to, to_format, annotations, item=None): """ Save annotations to a file. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param str save_to: path to save the result to :param to_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param list annotations: annotation list to convert :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity """ # what file format if self.save_to_format is None: if to_format.lower() in [AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP, AnnotationFormat.COCO]: self.save_to_format = 'json' elif to_format.lower() in [AnnotationFormat.YOLO]: self.save_to_format = 'txt' else: self.save_to_format = 'xml' # save # JSON # if self.save_to_format == 'json': # save json save_to = save_to + '.json' with open(save_to, "w") as f: json.dump(annotations, f, indent=2) # TXT # elif self.save_to_format == 'txt': # save txt save_to = save_to + '.txt' with open(save_to, "w") as f: for ann in annotations: if ann is not None: f.write(' '.join([str(x) for x in ann]) + '\n') # XML # elif self.save_to_format == 'xml': item = Converter.__get_item_shape(item=item) depth = item.metadata['system'].get('channels', 3) output_annotation = { 'path': item.filename, 'filename': os.path.basename(item.filename), 'folder': os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(item.filename)), 'width': item.width, 'height': item.height, 'depth': depth, 'database': 'Unknown', 'segmented': 0, 'objects': annotations } save_to = save_to + '.xml' environment = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('dtlpy', 'assets'), keep_trailing_newline=True) annotation_template = environment.get_template(self.xml_template_path) with open(save_to, 'w') as file: content = annotation_template.render(**output_annotation) file.write(content) else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Unknown file format to save to')
def _check_formats(self, from_format, to_format, conversion_func): if from_format.lower() not in self.known_formats and conversion_func is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( "400", "Unknown annotation format: {}, possible formats: {}".format( from_format, self.known_formats ), ) if to_format.lower() not in self.known_formats and conversion_func is None: raise exceptions.PlatformException( "400", "Unknown annotation format: {}, possible formats: {}".format( to_format, self.known_formats ), )
[docs] def convert(self, annotations, from_format: str, to_format: str, conversion_func=None, item=None): """ Convert annotation list or single annotation. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity :param list or AnnotationCollection annotations: annotations list to convert :param str from_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param str to_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param Callable conversion_func: Custom conversion service :return: the annotations """ # check known format self._check_formats(from_format=from_format, to_format=to_format, conversion_func=conversion_func) # check annotations param type if isinstance(annotations, entities.AnnotationCollection): annotations = annotations.annotations if not isinstance(annotations, list): annotations = [annotations] if AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP not in [to_format, from_format]: raise exceptions.PlatformException( "400", "Can only convert from or to dataloop format" ) # call method if conversion_func is None: if from_format == AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP: method = self.converter_dict[to_format]["to"] else: method = self.converter_dict[from_format]["from"] else: method = self.custom_format # run all annotations for i_annotation, annotation in enumerate(annotations): self._convert_single( annotation=annotation, i_annotation=i_annotation, conversion_func=conversion_func, annotations=annotations, from_format=AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP, item=item, method=method ) return annotations
@staticmethod def _convert_single(method, **kwargs): annotations = kwargs.get('annotations', None) i_annotation = kwargs.get('i_annotation', None) try: ann = method(**kwargs) if annotations is not None and isinstance(i_annotation, int) and ann is not None: annotations[i_annotation] = ann except Exception: if annotations is not None and isinstance(i_annotation, int): annotations[i_annotation] = 'Error converting annotation: {}'.format(traceback.format_exc()) else: raise
[docs] @staticmethod def from_voc(annotation, **_): """ Convert from VOC format to DATALOOP format. Use this as conversion_func for functions that ask for this param. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param annotation: annotations to convert :return: converted Annotation entity :rtype: dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation """ bndbox = annotation.find('bndbox') if bndbox is None: raise Exception('No bndbox field found in annotation object') bottom = float(bndbox.find('ymax').text) top = float(bndbox.find('ymin').text) left = float(bndbox.find('xmin').text) right = float(bndbox.find('xmax').text) label = annotation.find('name').text if annotation.find('segmented'): if annotation.find('segmented') == '1': logger.warning('Only bounding box conversion is supported in voc format. Segmentation will be ignored.') attributes = list(annotation) attrs = dict() for attribute in attributes: if attribute.tag not in ['bndbox', 'name'] and len(list(attribute)) == 0: if attribute.text is not None: if attribute.tag == 'attributes': attribute_value = eval(attribute.text) if isinstance(attribute_value, list): attrs = {attribute_value[i]: i for i in range(len(attribute_value))} else: attrs.update(attribute_value) else: try: attr_value = eval(attribute.text) except: attr_value = attribute.text attrs[attribute.tag] = attr_value ann_def = entities.Box(label=label, top=top, bottom=bottom, left=left, right=right) new_annotation = if attrs is not None: try: new_annotation.attributes = attrs except: new_annotation.attributes = list(attrs.keys()) return new_annotation
[docs] def from_yolo(self, annotation, item=None, **kwargs): """ Convert from YOLO format to DATALOOP format. Use this as conversion_func param for functions that ask for this param. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param annotation: annotations to convert :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity :param kwargs: additional params :return: converted Annotation entity :rtype: dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation """ (label_id, x, y, w, h) = annotation label_id = int(label_id) item = Converter.__get_item_shape(item=item) height = kwargs.get('height', None) width = kwargs.get('width', None) if height is None or width is None: if item is None or item.width is None or item.height is None: raise Exception('Need item width and height in order to convert yolo annotation to dataloop') height = item.height width = item.width x_center = x * width y_center = y * height w = w * width h = h * height top = y_center - (h / 2) bottom = y_center + (h / 2) left = x_center - (w / 2) right = x_center + (w / 2) label = self._label_by_category_id(category_id=label_id) ann_def = entities.Box(label=label, top=top, bottom=bottom, left=left, right=right) return, item=item)
[docs] def to_yolo(self, annotation, item=None, **_): """ Convert from DATALOOP format to YOLO format. Use this as conversion_func param for functions that ask for this param. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation or dict annotation: annotations to convert :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity :param **_: additional params :return: converted Annotation :rtype: tuple """ if not isinstance(annotation, entities.Annotation): if item is None: item = self.dataset.items.get(item_id=annotation['itemId']) annotation = entities.Annotation.from_json(_json=annotation, item=item) elif item is None: item = annotation.item if annotation.type != "box": raise Exception('Only box annotations can be converted') item = Converter.__get_item_shape(item=item) if item is None or item.width is None or item.height is None: raise Exception("Cannot get item's width and height") width, height = (item.width, item.height) if item.system.get('exif', {}).get('Orientation', 0) in [5, 6, 7, 8]: width, height = (item.height, item.width) dw = 1.0 / width dh = 1.0 / height x = (annotation.left + annotation.right) / 2.0 y = ( + annotation.bottom) / 2.0 w = annotation.right - annotation.left h = annotation.bottom - x = x * dw w = w * dw y = y * dh h = h * dh label_id = self.labels[annotation.label] ann = (label_id, x, y, w, h) return ann
def _label_by_category_id(self, category_id): if len(self.labels) > 0: for label_name, label_index in self.labels.items(): if label_index == category_id: return label_name raise Exception('label category id not found: {}'.format(category_id))
[docs] def from_coco(self, annotation, **kwargs): """ Convert from COCO format to DATALOOP format. Use this as conversion_func param for functions that ask for this param. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param annotation: annotations to convert :param kwargs: additional params :return: converted Annotation entity :rtype: dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation """ item = kwargs.get('item', None) _id = annotation.get('id', None) category_id = annotation.get('category_id', None) segmentation = annotation.get('segmentation', None) iscrowd = annotation.get('iscrowd', None) label = self._label_by_category_id(category_id=category_id) ann_def = None if hasattr(self, '_only_bbox') and self._only_bbox: bbox = annotation.get('bbox', None) left = bbox[0] top = bbox[1] right = left + bbox[2] bottom = top + bbox[3] ann_def = entities.Box(top=top, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, label=label) else: if iscrowd is not None and int(iscrowd) == 1: ann_def = entities.Segmentation(label=label, geo=COCOUtils.rle_to_binary_mask(rle=segmentation)) else: if segmentation is not None and len(segmentation) == 1: segmentation = segmentation[0] if segmentation: ann_def = entities.Polygon(label=label, geo=COCOUtils.rle_to_binary_polygon(segmentation=segmentation)) elif segmentation is not None and len(segmentation) > 1: # TODO - support conversion of split annotations raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'unable to convert.' 'Converter does not support split annotations: {}'.format( _id)) if not segmentation: bbox = annotation.get('bbox', None) if bbox: left = bbox[0] top = bbox[1] right = left + bbox[2] bottom = top + bbox[3] ann_def = entities.Box(top=top, left=left, bottom=bottom, right=right, label=label) else: raise Exception('Unable to convert annotation, not coordinates') return, item=item)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_coco(annotation, item=None, **_): """ Convert from DATALOOP format to COCO format. Use this as conversion_func param for functions that ask for this param. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation or dict annotation: annotations to convert :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity :param **_: additional params :return: converted Annotation :rtype: dict """ item = Converter.__get_item_shape(item=item) height = item.height if item is not None else None width = item.width if item is not None else None if not isinstance(annotation, entities.Annotation): annotation = entities.Annotation.from_json(annotation, item=item) area = 0 iscrowd = 0 segmentation = [[]] if annotation.type == 'polyline': raise Exception('Unable to convert annotation of type "polyline" to coco') if annotation.type in ['binary', 'segment']: if height is None or width is None: raise Exception( 'Item must have height and width to convert {!r} annotation to coco'.format(annotation.type)) # build annotation keypoints = None if annotation.type in ['binary', 'box', 'segment', 'pose']: x = annotation.left y = w = annotation.right - x h = annotation.bottom - y area = float(h * w) if annotation.type == 'binary': # segmentation = COCOUtils.binary_mask_to_rle(binary_mask=annotation.geo, height=height, width=width) segmentation = COCOUtils.binary_mask_to_rle_encode(binary_mask=annotation.geo) area = int(annotation.geo.sum()) iscrowd = 1 elif annotation.type in ['segment']: segmentation, area = COCOUtils.polygon_to_rle(geo=annotation.geo, height=height, width=width) elif annotation.type == 'pose': keypoints = list() for point in annotation.annotation_definition.points: keypoints.append(point.x) keypoints.append(point.y) if isinstance(point.attributes, list): if 'visible' in point.attributes and \ ("not-visible" in point.attributes or 'not_visible' in point.attributes): keypoints.append(0) elif 'not-visible' in point.attributes or 'not_visible' in point.attributes: keypoints.append(1) elif 'visible' in point.attributes: keypoints.append(2) else: keypoints.append(0) else: list_attributes = list(point.attributes.values()) if 'Visible' in list_attributes: keypoints.append(2) else: keypoints.append(0) x_points = keypoints[0::3] y_points = keypoints[1::3] x0, x1, y0, y1 = np.min(x_points), np.max(x_points), np.min(y_points), np.max(y_points) area = float((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) else: raise Exception('Unable to convert annotation of type {} to coco'.format(annotation.type)) ann = dict() ann['bbox'] = [float(x), float(y), float(w), float(h)] ann["segmentation"] = segmentation ann["area"] = area ann["iscrowd"] = iscrowd if keypoints is not None: ann["keypoints"] = keypoints return ann
[docs] @staticmethod def to_voc(annotation, item=None, **_): """ Convert from DATALOOP format to VOC format. Use this as conversion_func param for functions that ask for this param. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation or dict annotation: annotations to convert :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity :param **_: additional params :return: converted Annotation :rtype: dict """ if not isinstance(annotation, entities.Annotation): annotation = entities.Annotation.from_json(annotation, item=item) if annotation.type != 'box': raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Annotation must be of type box') label = annotation.label attributes = dict() if annotation.attributes is not None: if isinstance(annotation.attributes, dict) and len(annotation.attributes) > 0: attributes = annotation.attributes elif isinstance(annotation.attributes, list) and len(annotation.attributes) > 0: attributes = {annotation.attributes[i]: i for i in range(len(annotation.attributes))} left = annotation.left top = right = annotation.right bottom = annotation.bottom ann = {'name': label, 'xmin': left, 'ymin': top, 'xmax': right, 'ymax': bottom } if attributes: ann['attributes'] = attributes return ann
[docs] @staticmethod def custom_format(annotation, conversion_func, i_annotation=None, annotations=None, from_format=None, item=None, **_): """ Custom convert function. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* or *developer* to use this method. :param dtlpy.entities.annotation.Annotation or dict annotation: annotations to convert :param Callable conversion_func: Custom conversion service :param int i_annotation: annotation index :param list annotations: list of annotations param str from_format: AnnotationFormat to convert to – AnnotationFormat.COCO, AnnotationFormat.YOLO, AnnotationFormat.VOC, AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP :param dtlpy.entities.item.Item item: item entity :return: converted Annotation """ if from_format == AnnotationFormat.DATALOOP and isinstance(annotation, dict): annotation = entities.Annotation.from_json(_json=annotation, item=item) ann = conversion_func(annotation, item) if isinstance(annotations[i_annotation], entities.Annotation) and annotations[i_annotation].item is None: ann.item = item return ann