Source code for dtlpy.entities.integration

from enum import Enum

import logging
import attr

from .. import entities, exceptions, repositories
from import ApiClient

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')

[docs]class IntegrationType(str, Enum): """ The type of the Integration. .. list-table:: :widths: 15 150 :header-rows: 1 * - State - Description * - S3 - S3 Integration - for S3 drivers * - AWS_CROSS_ACCOUNT - AWS CROSS ACCOUNT Integration - for S3 drivers * - AWS_STS - AWS STS Integration - for S3 drivers * - GCS - GCS Integration - for GCS drivers * - AZUREBLOB - AZURE BLOB Integration - for S3 AZUREBLOB and AZURE_DATALAKE_GEN2 drivers * - KEY_VALUE - KEY VALUE Integration - for save secrets in the platform """ S3 = "s3" AWS_CROSS_ACCOUNT = 'aws-cross' AWS_STS = 'aws-sts' GCS = "gcs" AZUREBLOB = "azureblob" KEY_VALUE = "key_value"
[docs]@attr.s class Integration(entities.BaseEntity): """ Integration object """ id = attr.ib() name = attr.ib() type = attr.ib() org = attr.ib() created_at = attr.ib() created_by = attr.ib() update_at = attr.ib() _client_api = attr.ib(type=ApiClient, repr=False) metadata = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) _project = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, _json: dict, client_api: ApiClient, is_fetched=True): """ Build a Integration entity object from a json :param _json: _json response from host :param client_api: ApiClient entity :param is_fetched: is Entity fetched from Platform :return: Integration object """ inst = cls(id=_json.get('id', None), name=_json.get('name', None), created_by=_json.get('createdBy', None), created_at=_json.get('createdAt', None), update_at=_json.get('updateAt', None), type=_json.get('type', None), org=_json.get('org', None), client_api=client_api, metadata=_json.get('metadata', None)) inst.is_fetched = is_fetched return inst
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns platform _json format of object :return: platform json format of object :rtype: dict """ _json = attr.asdict(self, filter=attr.filters.exclude(attr.fields(Integration)._client_api, attr.fields(Integration)._project)) return _json
@property def project(self): return self._project @project.setter def project(self, project): if not isinstance(project, entities.Project): raise ValueError('Must input a valid Project entity') self._project = project
[docs] def update(self, new_name: str = None, new_options: dict = None): """ Update the integration's name. **Prerequisites**: You must be an *owner* in the organization. :param str new_name: new name :param dict new_options: new value :return: Integration object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.integration.Integration **Examples for options include**: s3 - {key: "", secret: ""}; gcs - {key: "", secret: "", content: ""}; azureblob - {key: "", secret: "", clientId: "", tenantId: ""}; key_value - {key: "", value: ""} aws-sts - {key: "", secret: "", roleArns: ""} aws-cross - {roleArns: ""} **Example**: .. code-block:: python project.integrations.update(integrations_id='integrations_id', new_name="new_integration_name") """ if self.project is not None: identifier = self.project elif is not None: identifier = repositories.organizations.Organizations(client_api=self._client_api).get( else: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Must provide an identifier in inputs') identifier.integrations.update(new_name=new_name,, integration=self, new_options=new_options)
[docs] def delete(self, sure: bool = False, really: bool = False) -> bool: """ Delete integrations from the Organization :param bool sure: are you sure you want to delete? :param bool really: really really? :return: True :rtype: bool """ if self.project is not None: identifier = self.project elif is not None: identifier = repositories.organizations.Organizations(client_api=self._client_api).get( else: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Must provide an identifier in inputs') return identifier.integrations.delete(, sure=sure, really=really)