Source code for dtlpy.entities.service

from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
import traceback
import logging
from typing import List
import attr
from .. import services, repositories, entities

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')

[docs]class ServiceType(str, Enum): """ The type of the service (SYSTEM). .. list-table:: :widths: 15 150 :header-rows: 1 * - State - Description * - SYSTEM - Dataloop internal service """ SYSTEM = 'system' REGULAR = 'regular'
[docs]class OnResetAction(str, Enum): """ The Execution action when the service reset (RERUN, FAILED). .. list-table:: :widths: 15 150 :header-rows: 1 * - State - Description * - RERUN - When the service resting rerun the execution * - FAILED - When the service resting fail the execution """ RERUN = 'rerun' FAILED = 'failed'
[docs]class InstanceCatalog(str, Enum): """ The Service Pode size. .. list-table:: :widths: 15 150 :header-rows: 1 * - State - Description * - REGULAR_XS - regular pod with extra small size * - REGULAR_S - regular pod with small size * - REGULAR_M - regular pod with medium size * - REGULAR_L - regular pod with large size * - REGULAR_XL - regular pod with extra large size * - HIGHMEM_XS - highmem pod with extra small size * - HIGHMEM_S - highmem pod with small size * - HIGHMEM_M - highmem pod with medium size * - HIGHMEM_L - highmem pod with large size * - HIGHMEM_XL - highmem pod with extra large size * - GPU_K80_S - GPU pod with small size * - GPU_K80_M - GPU pod with medium size """ REGULAR_XS = "regular-xs" REGULAR_S = "regular-s" REGULAR_M = "regular-m" REGULAR_L = "regular-l" REGULAR_XL = "regular-xl" HIGHMEM_XS = "highmem-xs" HIGHMEM_S = "highmem-s" HIGHMEM_M = "highmem-m" HIGHMEM_L = "highmem-l" HIGHMEM_XL = "highmem-xl" GPU_K80_S = "gpu-k80-s" GPU_K80_M = "gpu-k80-m"
[docs]class RuntimeType(str, Enum): """ Service culture Runtime (KUBERNETES). .. list-table:: :widths: 15 150 :header-rows: 1 * - State - Description * - KUBERNETES - Service run in kubernetes culture """ KUBERNETES = 'kubernetes'
class ServiceRuntime(entities.BaseEntity): def __init__(self, service_type: RuntimeType = RuntimeType.KUBERNETES): self.service_type = service_type class KubernetesRuntime(ServiceRuntime): DEFAULT_POD_TYPE = InstanceCatalog.REGULAR_S DEFAULT_NUM_REPLICAS = 1 DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY = 10 def __init__(self, pod_type: InstanceCatalog = DEFAULT_POD_TYPE, num_replicas=DEFAULT_NUM_REPLICAS, concurrency=DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY, runner_image=None, autoscaler=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(service_type=RuntimeType.KUBERNETES) self.pod_type = kwargs.get('podType', pod_type) self.num_replicas = kwargs.get('numReplicas', num_replicas) self.concurrency = kwargs.get('concurrency', concurrency) self.runner_image = kwargs.get('runnerImage', runner_image) self._proxy_image = kwargs.get('proxyImage', None) self.single_agent = kwargs.get('singleAgent', False) self.preemptible = kwargs.get('preemptible', None) self.autoscaler = kwargs.get('autoscaler', autoscaler) if self.autoscaler is not None and isinstance(self.autoscaler, dict): if self.autoscaler['type'] == KubernetesAutuscalerType.RABBITMQ: self.autoscaler = KubernetesRabbitmqAutoscaler(**self.autoscaler) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unknown kubernetes autoscaler type: {}'.format(self.autoscaler['type'])) def to_json(self): _json = { 'podType': self.pod_type, 'numReplicas': self.num_replicas, 'concurrency': self.concurrency, 'singleAgent': self.single_agent, 'autoscaler': None if self.autoscaler is None else self.autoscaler.to_json() } if self.runner_image is not None: _json['runnerImage'] = self.runner_image if self._proxy_image is not None: _json['proxyImage'] = self._proxy_image if self.preemptible is not None: _json['preemptible'] = self.preemptible return _json
[docs]@attr.s class Service(entities.BaseEntity): """ Service object """ # platform created_at = attr.ib() updated_at = attr.ib(repr=False) creator = attr.ib() version = attr.ib() package_id = attr.ib() package_revision = attr.ib() bot = attr.ib() use_user_jwt = attr.ib(repr=False) init_input = attr.ib() versions = attr.ib(repr=False) module_name = attr.ib() name = attr.ib() url = attr.ib() id = attr.ib() active = attr.ib() driver_id = attr.ib(repr=False) secrets = attr.ib(repr=False) # name change runtime = attr.ib(repr=False, type=KubernetesRuntime) queue_length_limit = attr.ib() run_execution_as_process = attr.ib(type=bool) execution_timeout = attr.ib() drain_time = attr.ib() on_reset = attr.ib(type=OnResetAction) _type = attr.ib(type=ServiceType) project_id = attr.ib() is_global = attr.ib() max_attempts = attr.ib() # SDK _package = attr.ib(repr=False) _client_api = attr.ib(type=services.ApiClient, repr=False) _revisions = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) # repositories _project = attr.ib(default=None, repr=False) _repositories = attr.ib(repr=False) @property def createdAt(self): return self.created_at @property def updatedAt(self): return self.updated_at @staticmethod def _protected_from_json(_json: dict, client_api: services.ApiClient, package=None, project=None, is_fetched=True): """ Same as from_json but with try-except to catch if error :param _json: platform json :param client_api: ApiClient entity :param package: :param project: project entity :param is_fetched: is Entity fetched from Platform :return: """ try: service = Service.from_json(_json=_json, client_api=client_api, package=package, project=project, is_fetched=is_fetched) status = True except Exception: service = traceback.format_exc() status = False return status, service
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, _json: dict, client_api: services.ApiClient, package=None, project=None, is_fetched=True): """ Build a service entity object from a json :param dict _json: platform json :param dl.ApiClient client_api: ApiClient entity :param dtlpy.entities.package.Package package: package entity :param dtlpy.entities.project.Project project: project entity :param bool is_fetched: is Entity fetched from Platform :return: service object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.service.Service """ if project is not None: if != _json.get('projectId', None): logger.warning('Service has been fetched from a project that is not belong to it') project = None if package is not None: if != _json.get('packageId', None): logger.warning('Service has been fetched from a package that is not belong to it') package = None versions = _json.get('versions', dict()) runtime = _json.get("runtime", None) if runtime: runtime = KubernetesRuntime(**runtime) inst = cls( package_revision=_json.get("packageRevision", None), bot=_json.get("botUserName", None), use_user_jwt=_json.get("useUserJwt", False), created_at=_json.get("createdAt", None), updated_at=_json.get("updatedAt", None), project_id=_json.get('projectId', None), package_id=_json.get('packageId', None), driver_id=_json.get('driverId', None), max_attempts=_json.get('maxAttempts', None), version=_json.get('version', None), creator=_json.get('creator', None), revisions=_json.get('revisions', None), queue_length_limit=_json.get('queueLengthLimit', None), active=_json.get('active', None), runtime=runtime, is_global=_json.get("global", False), init_input=_json.get("initParams", dict()), module_name=_json.get("moduleName", None), run_execution_as_process=_json.get('runExecutionAsProcess', False), execution_timeout=_json.get('executionTimeout', 60 * 60), drain_time=_json.get('drainTime', 60 * 10), on_reset=_json.get('onReset', OnResetAction.FAILED), name=_json.get("name", None), url=_json.get("url", None), id=_json.get("id", None), versions=versions, client_api=client_api, package=package, project=project, secrets=_json.get("secrets", None), type=_json.get("type", None) ) inst.is_fetched = is_fetched return inst
############ # Entities # ############ @property def revisions(self): if self._revisions is None: self._revisions = return self._revisions @property def platform_url(self): return self._client_api._get_resource_url("projects/{}/services/{}/main".format(, @property def project(self): if self._project is None: self._project = repositories.Projects(client_api=self._client_api).get(project_id=self.project_id, fetch=None) assert isinstance(self._project, entities.Project) return self._project @property def package(self): if self._package is None: self._package = repositories.Packages(client_api=self._client_api).get(package_id=self.package_id, fetch=None) assert isinstance(self._package, entities.Package) return self._package @property def execution_url(self): return 'CURL -X POST' \ '\nauthorization: Bearer <token>' \ '\nContent-Type: application/json" -d {' \ '\n"input": {<input json>}, ' \ '"projectId": "{<project_id>}", ' \ '"functionName": "<function_name>"}' ################ # repositories # ################ @_repositories.default def set_repositories(self): reps = namedtuple('repositories', field_names=['executions', 'services', 'triggers']) if self._package is None: services_repo = repositories.Services(client_api=self._client_api, package=self._package, project=self._project) else: services_repo = triggers = repositories.Triggers(client_api=self._client_api, project=self._project, service=self) r = reps(executions=repositories.Executions(client_api=self._client_api, service=self), services=services_repo, triggers=triggers) return r @property def executions(self): assert isinstance(self._repositories.executions, repositories.Executions) return self._repositories.executions @property def triggers(self): assert isinstance(self._repositories.triggers, repositories.Triggers) return self._repositories.triggers @property def services(self): assert isinstance(, repositories.Services) return ########### # methods # ###########
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Returns platform _json format of object :return: platform json format of object :rtype: dict """ _json = attr.asdict( self, filter=attr.filters.exclude( attr.fields(Service)._project, attr.fields(Service)._package, attr.fields(Service)._revisions, attr.fields(Service)._client_api, attr.fields(Service)._repositories, attr.fields(Service).project_id, attr.fields(Service).init_input, attr.fields(Service).module_name, attr.fields(Service).bot, attr.fields(Service).package_id, attr.fields(Service).is_global, attr.fields(Service).use_user_jwt, attr.fields(Service).package_revision, attr.fields(Service).driver_id, attr.fields(Service).run_execution_as_process, attr.fields(Service).execution_timeout, attr.fields(Service).drain_time, attr.fields(Service).runtime, attr.fields(Service).queue_length_limit, attr.fields(Service).max_attempts, attr.fields(Service).on_reset, attr.fields(Service).created_at, attr.fields(Service).updated_at, attr.fields(Service).secrets, attr.fields(Service)._type, ) ) _json['projectId'] = self.project_id _json['packageId'] = self.package_id _json['initParams'] = self.init_input _json['moduleName'] = self.module_name _json['botUserName'] = _json['useUserJwt'] = self.use_user_jwt _json['global'] = self.is_global _json['driverId'] = self.driver_id _json['packageRevision'] = self.package_revision _json['runExecutionAsProcess'] = self.run_execution_as_process _json['executionTimeout'] = self.execution_timeout _json['drainTime'] = self.drain_time _json['onReset'] = self.on_reset _json['createdAt'] = self.created_at _json['updatedAt'] = self.updated_at if self.max_attempts is not None: _json['maxAttempts'] = self.max_attempts if self.is_global is not None: _json['global'] = self.is_global if self.runtime: _json['runtime'] = self.runtime if isinstance(self.runtime, dict) else self.runtime.to_json() if self.queue_length_limit is not None: _json['queueLengthLimit'] = self.queue_length_limit if self.secrets is not None: _json['secrets'] = self.secrets if self._type is not None: _json['type'] = self._type return _json
[docs] def update(self, force=False): """ Update Service changes to platform :param bool force: force update :return: Service entity :rtype: dtlpy.entities.service.Service """ return, force=force)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete Service object :return: True :rtype: bool """ return
[docs] def status(self): """ Get Service status :return: status json :rtype: dict """ return
[docs] def log(self, size=None, checkpoint=None, start=None, end=None, follow=False, text=None, execution_id=None, function_name=None, replica_id=None, system=False, view=True, until_completed=True): """ Get service logs :param int size: size :param dict checkpoint: the information from the lst point checked in the service :param str start: iso format time :param str end: iso format time :param bool follow: if true, keep stream future logs :param str text: text :param str execution_id: execution id :param str function_name: function name :param str replica_id: replica id :param bool system: system :param bool view: if true, print out all the logs :param bool until_completed: wait until completed :return: ServiceLog entity :rtype: ServiceLog **Example**: .. code-block:: python service_log = service.log() """ return, size=size, checkpoint=checkpoint, start=start, end=end, follow=follow, execution_id=execution_id, function_name=function_name, replica_id=replica_id, system=system, text=text, view=view, until_completed=until_completed)
[docs] def open_in_web(self): """ Open the service in web platform :return: """ self._client_api._open_in_web(url=self.platform_url)
[docs] def checkout(self): """ Checkout :return: """ return
[docs] def pause(self): """ pause :return: """ return
[docs] def resume(self): """ resume :return: """ return
[docs] def execute( self, execution_input=None, function_name=None, resource=None, item_id=None, dataset_id=None, annotation_id=None, project_id=None, sync=False, stream_logs=True, return_output=True ): """ Execute a function on an existing service :param List[FunctionIO] or dict execution_input: input dictionary or list of FunctionIO entities :param str function_name: function name to run :param str resource: input type. :param str item_id: optional - item id as input to function :param str dataset_id: optional - dataset id as input to function :param str annotation_id: optional - annotation id as input to function :param str project_id: resource's project :param bool sync: if true, wait for function to end :param bool stream_logs: prints logs of the new execution. only works with sync=True :param bool return_output: if True and sync is True - will return the output directly :return: execution object :rtype: dtlpy.entities.execution.Execution **Example**: .. code-block:: python execution = service.execute(function_name='function_name', item_id='item_id', project_id='project_id') """ execution = self.executions.create(sync=sync, execution_input=execution_input, function_name=function_name, resource=resource, item_id=item_id, dataset_id=dataset_id, annotation_id=annotation_id, stream_logs=stream_logs, project_id=project_id, return_output=return_output) return execution
[docs] def activate_slots( self, project_id: str = None, task_id: str = None, dataset_id: str = None, org_id: str = None, user_email: str = None, slots=None, role=None, prevent_override: bool = True, visible: bool = True, icon: str = 'fas fa-magic', **kwargs ) -> object: """ Activate service slots :param str project_id: project id :param str task_id: task id :param str dataset_id: dataset id :param str org_id: org id :param str user_email: user email :param list slots: list of entities.PackageSlot :param str role: user role MemberOrgRole.ADMIN, MemberOrgRole.owner, MemberOrgRole.MEMBER :param bool prevent_override: True to prevent override :param bool visible: visible :param str icon: icon :param kwargs: all additional arguments :return: list of user setting for activated slots :rtype: list **Example**: .. code-block:: python setting = service.activate_slots(project_id='project_id', slots=List[entities.PackageSlot], icon='fas fa-magic') """ return service=self, project_id=project_id, task_id=task_id, dataset_id=dataset_id, org_id=org_id, user_email=user_email, slots=slots, role=role, prevent_override=prevent_override, visible=visible, icon=icon, **kwargs )
[docs]class KubernetesAutuscalerType(str, Enum): """ The Service Autuscaler Type (RABBITMQ, CPU). .. list-table:: :widths: 15 150 :header-rows: 1 * - State - Description * - RABBITMQ - Service Autuscaler will be in RABBITMQ * - CPU - Service Autuscaler will be in in local CPU """ RABBITMQ = 'rabbitmq' CPU = 'cpu'
class KubernetesAutoscaler(entities.BaseEntity): MIN_REPLICA_DEFAULT = 0 MAX_REPLICA_DEFAULT = 1 AUTOSCALER_TYPE_DEFAULT = KubernetesAutuscalerType.RABBITMQ def __init__(self, autoscaler_type: KubernetesAutuscalerType.RABBITMQ = AUTOSCALER_TYPE_DEFAULT, min_replicas=MIN_REPLICA_DEFAULT, max_replicas=MAX_REPLICA_DEFAULT, cooldown_period=None, polling_interval=None, **kwargs): self.autoscaler_type = kwargs.get('type', autoscaler_type) self.min_replicas = kwargs.get('minReplicas', min_replicas) self.max_replicas = kwargs.get('maxReplicas', max_replicas) self.cooldown_period = kwargs.get('cooldownPeriod', cooldown_period) self.polling_interval = kwargs.get('pollingInterval', polling_interval) def to_json(self): _json = { 'type': self.autoscaler_type, 'minReplicas': self.min_replicas, 'maxReplicas': self.max_replicas } if self.cooldown_period is not None: _json['cooldownPeriod'] = self.cooldown_period if self.polling_interval is not None: _json['pollingInterval'] = self.polling_interval return _json class KubernetesRabbitmqAutoscaler(KubernetesAutoscaler): QUEUE_LENGTH_DEFAULT = 1000 def __init__(self, min_replicas=KubernetesAutoscaler.MIN_REPLICA_DEFAULT, max_replicas=KubernetesAutoscaler.MAX_REPLICA_DEFAULT, queue_length=QUEUE_LENGTH_DEFAULT, cooldown_period=None, polling_interval=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(min_replicas=min_replicas, max_replicas=max_replicas, autoscaler_type=KubernetesAutuscalerType.RABBITMQ, cooldown_period=cooldown_period, polling_interval=polling_interval, **kwargs) self.queue_length = kwargs.get('queueLength', queue_length) def to_json(self): _json = super().to_json() _json['queueLength'] = self.queue_length return _json