Source code for dtlpy.entities.package_function

import logging
import json

import attr

from enum import Enum
from .. import exceptions, entities

logger = logging.getLogger(name='dtlpy')

[docs]class PackageInputType(str, Enum): DATASET = "Dataset" ITEM = "Item" ANNOTATION = "Annotation" EXECUTION = "Execution" TASK = "Task" ASSIGNMENT = "Assignment" SERVICE = "Service" PACKAGE = "Package" PROJECT = "Project" RECIPE = "Recipe" JSON = "Json" STRING = "String" NUMBER = "Number" INT = "Integer" FLOAT = "Float" BOOLEAN = "Boolean" MODEL = "Model" DATASETS = "Dataset[]" ITEMS = "Item[]" ANNOTATIONS = "Annotation[]" EXECUTIONS = "Execution[]" TASKS = "Task[]" ASSIGNMENTS = "Assignment[]" SERVICES = "Service[]" PACKAGES = "Package[]" PROJECTS = "Project[]" JSONS = "Json[]" STRINGS = "String[]" NUMBERS = "Number[]" INTS = "Integer[]" FLOATS = "Float[]" BOOLEANS = "Boolean[]" MODELS = "Model[]" RECIPES = "Recipe[]"
[docs]@attr.s class PackageFunction(entities.BaseEntity): """ Webhook object """ # platform outputs = attr.ib() name = attr.ib() description = attr.ib(default='') inputs = attr.ib() display_name = attr.ib(default=None) display_icon = attr.ib(repr=False, default=None) @name.default def set_name(self): logger.warning('No function name was given. Using default name: {}'.format( entities.package_defaults.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_FUNCTION_NAME)) return entities.package_defaults.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_FUNCTION_NAME @classmethod def from_json(cls, _json): inputs = [FunctionIO.from_json(_io) for _io in _json.get('input', list())] outputs = [FunctionIO.from_json(_io) for _io in _json.get('output', list())] return cls( description=_json.get("description", None), name=_json.get("name", None), inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, display_name=_json.get('displayName', None), display_icon=_json.get('displayIcon', None) ) @outputs.default def get_outputs(self): outputs = list() return outputs @inputs.default def get_inputs(self): inputs = list() return inputs def to_json(self): _json = attr.asdict( self, filter=attr.filters.exclude(attr.fields(PackageFunction).inputs, attr.fields(PackageFunction).outputs, attr.fields(PackageFunction).display_name, attr.fields(PackageFunction).display_icon, ), ) inputs = self.inputs # check in inputs is a list if not isinstance(inputs, list): inputs = [inputs] # if is dtlpy entity convert to dict if inputs and isinstance(inputs[0], entities.FunctionIO): inputs = [_io.to_json() for _io in inputs] outputs = self.outputs # check in inputs is a list if not isinstance(outputs, list): outputs = [outputs] # if is dtlpy entity convert to dict if outputs and isinstance(outputs[0], entities.FunctionIO): outputs = [_io.to_json() for _io in outputs] _json['input'] = inputs _json['output'] = outputs if self.display_name is not None: _json['displayName'] = self.display_name _json['displayIcon'] = self.display_icon return _json
@attr.s class FunctionIO: INPUT_TYPES = [val for key, val in PackageInputType.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith('_')] type = attr.ib(type=str) value = attr.ib(default=None) name = attr.ib(type=str) @name.default def set_name(self): if self.type == PackageInputType.ITEM: return 'item' elif self.type == PackageInputType.DATASET: return 'dataset' elif self.type == PackageInputType.ANNOTATION: return 'annotation' elif self.type == PackageInputType.PROJECT: return 'project' elif self.type == PackageInputType.PACKAGE: return 'package' elif self.type == PackageInputType.SERVICE: return 'service' elif self.type == PackageInputType.EXECUTION: return 'execution' elif self.type == PackageInputType.MODEL: return 'model' else: return 'config' # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @type.validator def check_type(self, attribute, value): if value not in self.INPUT_TYPES: raise exceptions.PlatformException( error='400', message='Invalid input type: {!r}. Please one from dl.PackageInputType'.format(value)) @staticmethod def is_json_serializable(val): try: json.dumps(val) is_json_serializable = True except Exception: is_json_serializable = False return is_json_serializable # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @value.validator def check_value(self, attribute, value): value_ok = True expected_value = 'Expected value should be:' if self.type == PackageInputType.JSON: expected_value = '{} json serializable'.format(expected_value) if not self.is_json_serializable(value): value_ok = False else: expected_value = 'Unknown value type: {}'.format(type(value)) if type(value) not in [dict, str, float, int, bool, list]: value_ok = False if not value_ok and value is not None: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Illegal value. {}'.format(expected_value)) def to_json(self, resource='package'): """ :param resource: """ if resource == 'package': _json = { 'name':, 'type': self.type } elif resource in ['execution', 'service']: _json = { self.value } else: raise exceptions.PlatformException('400', 'Please select resource from: package, execution') return _json @classmethod def from_json(cls, _json): return cls( type=_json.get('type', None), value=_json.get('value', None), name=_json.get('name', None) )