7. Upload & Manage Data & Metadata

7.1. Upload Specific Files

When you have specific files you want to upload, you can upload them all into a dataset using this script:

import dtlpy as dl
if dl.token_expired():
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='project_name')
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='dataset_name')
dataset.items.upload(local_path=[r'C:/home/project/images/John Morris.jpg',
                                 r'C:/home/project/images/John Benton.jpg',
                                 r'C:/home/project/images/Liu Jinli.jpg'],
                     remote_path='/folder_name')  # Remote path is optional, images will go to the root directory by default

7.2. Upload All Files in a Folder

If you want to upload all files from a folder, you can do that by just specifying the folder name:

import dtlpy as dl
if dl.token_expired():
project = dl.projects.get(project_name='project_name')
dataset = project.datasets.get(dataset_name='dataset_name')
                     remote_path='/folder_name')  # Remote path is optional, images will go to the root directory by default

7.4. Upload Items with Metadata

You can upload items as a table using a Pandas DataFrame that will let you upload items with info (annotations, metadata such as confidence, filename, etc.) attached to it.

import pandas
import dtlpy as dl
dataset = dl.datasets.get(dataset_id='id')  # Get dataset
to_upload = list()
# First item and info attached:
to_upload.append({'local_path': r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000064.jpg",  # Local path to image
                  'local_annotations_path': r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000776.json",  # Local path to annotation file
                  'remote_path': "/first",  # Remote directory of uploaded image
                  'remote_name': 'f.jpg',  # Remote name of image
                  'item_metadata': {'user': {'dummy': 'fir'}}})  # Metadata for the created item
# Second item and info attached:
to_upload.append({'local_path': r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000776.jpg",  # Local path to image
                  'local_annotations_path': r"E:\TypesExamples\000000000776.json",  # Local path to annotation file
                  'remote_path': "/second",  # Remote directory of uploaded image
                  'remote_name': 's.jpg',  # Remote name of image
                  'item_metadata': {'user': {'dummy': 'sec'}}})  # Metadata for the created item
df = pandas.DataFrame(to_upload)  # Make data into DF table
items = dataset.items.upload(local_path=df,
                             overwrite=True)  # Upload DF to platform